4.03.09 the age of technology.. the age of viruses... technology is changing, the internet is changing... hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. it's all supposed to make things easier, which should've equated to more time... but sadly it seems to only equate to more time texting and facebooking. so watch out, the virus is spreading and it wants to get it's hands on you. enjoy the outdoors, you may catch a cold, but time will pass slower and you will be better for it. have had troubles with my system and therefore trouble keeping the page up, but we keep cracking. so relax, kick back, do some yoga, do some bike yoga, and maybe send a text message while your at it.
3.24.09 the end of it all... first i apologize for the stale state of this site lately. we are a small company and have been experiencing issues with time and infrastructure. steps are being taken and soon things should freshen up. with that said there are some exciting events on the local horizon. Sea Otter is right around the corner and drawing some serious focus, as I strive to get the legs ready to sprint against the worlds best and wealthiest. This weekend it started to happen, thanks to some fine weather, got in one hundred road miles and a first in the cruiser race at R.E.BMX (can't brag to much about that though as the class' average age was about 40 and I barely pulled it out... I blam the flat pedals) Then our shop is closing on April 25th as we all are headed to Whiskeytown Lake, near Redding, to race the epic Lemurian Shasta Classic. Up to 24 miles of rocky goodness, can't wait. The beginning of May is going to be high times for local Piracy. Friday evening May 1st will be the premiere of some HoHum local films at the North Coast Climbing Gym in Arcata. Documentation of this winters cyclo cross races coupled with a short shining documnet of last years T.U.C. titled "Event Support" will be shared, along with the world debue of DJ MickStickinChicks... Flyers out soon... then that weekend head on down to the Lost Coast west of Redway to rage the Paradise Royale trail with us. Pre riding Saturday the 2nd, camping that night, and riding again on the 3rd with optional check point timing for those studs who want to shralp the superbly sculpted gnar that has been laid out for us in the Kings Range Recreation area. This get together will be friendly, casual, free, and all are welcome. A lot to do between now and then... In the meantime there are insanely fun/fast road rides going out every Tuesday night at 6pm, at the Giuntoli side of West End Road. Made my first of the year tonight and had a blast. Hammered my guts to mush trying to keep up with the more conditioned roady contingent, threw up a little in my mouth, yelled encouragement, and loved it. A better high than those empathy exaserbating drugs so many love. By the end everyone were close comrades, all very supportive of everyone's effort, slapping fives, sharing our lives, and feeling very content. Looking forward to having more juice next week, but i'll need all six days to recover. Suppose I'll take adavantage of our local BMX races Friday night to mix it up. Suppose I'll Have one more P.B.R. to recover tonight cause they taste so good. The end of it all. You see there are two sides to the coin. Many people are ready for it all to come to a flaming end in three years when the Myan calendar runs out in 2012. For some this is an excuse for total apathy, I'm trying to look at it as an excuse for absolute urgency. To extract the best, brightest, and most positive results in the time we have left. We have the choice.
3.1109 it's whatever... but it is a measuring rod. rolled the commute today for the first day in three and rolled a new personal best without trying and hitting more red lights than usual. haven't ever "tried" for it yet, but what a nice way to start the day, getting below the 28 min mark put me in good spirits, despite the other spirits still drifting around in my blood and head. back on the carbon thing again after hanging it up through the wet months. that to is nice, but maybe too nice. steal is real and the carbon will be the first frill cut when the time comes. 3.10.09 the time has changed, the moon was full, couldn't sleep. "a lot to think about if you just start thinking..." was our highschool jackass justification. well now i've started thinking again and i can't shut her down. spring fever spring fever spring fever. this is why we go to war. gonna get into a brawl unless i ... 3.2.09 pawed through a box of sentimental sh#t couple days ago. threw out a few things in the name of spring cleaning. found some cool stuff. that's all. malicious virus war going on on my computer so updates will be sporatic.
2.28.09 last day of february, where's your head at. mine says it's spring time, spring training time to be exact. with the clock change right around the corner and me still bachen it up there sould be hours to spend in the saddle. more of those hours are going to have to be speed work. rolled our to Redwood Acres BMX last night. Amidst a slew of frustrating equipment issues (stripped stem, dropping chain, flat tire) I was rudely reminded what it feels lke to sprint and found my sprint didn't feel like I want it to. So two goals. spend a little for a consistent track ride so I can move beyond the frustrating loaner bike syndrome and get my slow ass out there at least once a week for the next month so I have some nitrous come Sea Otter. Thouroughly exhausted from the track I slept like a rock until uneasy dreams distrubed my slumber this morning. Perhaps illicited by my stem swapping pre race at the track, or maybe my itemized goal listing right before bed, but suddenly it was the day before the T.U.C. century race. The legendary local road century, the one real road ride I'll do this year.Yes it was the day before and rather than be excited I was freaking out, way behind on my preperation. Campi adapted wheels on my winter bike still had to be converted to shimano on the race, my kit was who knows where, late to bed, late to the line, literally running from chore to chore for what seemed like hours in my dream. Finally i was there, almost ready to start with the group when i realized the cassette hadn't been swapped and my glasses were lost. So there I was kneeling on the ground with greasy road grim all over my hands trying to piece together a very strange dreamland cassette while the pack rolled out. My dad was there and he was little help so I was yelling at him and everyone, chasing the scaring tone with half hearted apologies. I felt unsupported, but determined to start and finish the event even if i was two hours behind and solo'd the entire thing. So close and so far. After what seemed like two days it was over and I was awake. So that's where my heads at. After four years of racing like a poper, car pooling, loaner tooling, begging for food and board I'm over it. I won't do it unless my ducks are in a row cause I'm racing pro. Racing cats with full support and kit that's tighter than a painted swimsuit on Pam Anderson. So I must train, and rearrange priorities so that when I'm there it's on. Don't think that means I am going to widdle down my focus to one discipline, oh no they are all too fun. XC, road, CX, BMX, DJ, and DH just gotta do em right in the rotisere. 2.26.09am random thoughts, amidst focused work... i like it loose. I like movin all around on the bike, I like hanging over the edge like an outrigger. I like leaning over the front wheel and rubbing my nose on the ground. I like doing yoga while the bike zips along. I like the close calls and the relaxed confidence of faith in the machine. I have a lot of faith in the machine. It performs wonders. I like the moment of impact and the first few seconds of survival after, realizing it's all ok, or at least realizing that I'm not dead yet. I don't like the nagging bite of scabbered blood as the flesh knits back for weeks, but I do like that it does knit. So I think it's worth it, and I'll keep subtly hanging over the edge until the edge bites back. 2.20.09 check it out, a mixed album of Bogg Stomp Unseens and more... spring is approaching quickly, and so are my legs. this weekend was a great success. 45 road miles yesterday with a nice average speed. recovered in time for another 2.5 hours today, but on the dirt. big group ride with the Loast Coast Brewery Team in the hills around McKinleyville. The most fun xc ride i think i have ever had up there and the most fun group xc ride in a long time. loved the company, great group of folks and all very talented. I know they are going to turn heads this season as their squad snowballs toward success. Felt great considering my effort yesterday, part of it was the summer like conditions and dry tacky earth up there. Very uncharacteristic for this time of year, but so good. Had some interesting moments on my tiny 1.75 tires. Slapped em on for the mud last weekend and haven't changed yet. They were ok, added to the excitement in many sections. Hammered the Kula in its final days, next week the Kula Supreme will be born, or rather basterdized until I get some better parts, but who can turn down and lighter and brighter (Mango where mine is silver and blue) frame set. Thanks Kona. 2.12.09 pm
2.12.09 am preppin for some pyscho cross today. heading down to santa roas manana for a REAL cyclo cross event. Have heard stories of the happy hundreds partying down, now I'll be seeing for myself. Riding beginner clas, "C's", on the MTB so will be undercover as a waldo just days after receiving my upgrade into the PRO DH class. Big thanks to sponsor Revolution Bikes for helping with getting my first international license. Hopefully will get to dissappoint some people. Then get to pit for Carl H who just upgraded to "A" or pro. He's nervous, me too, kinda feels like the first mtb race 9 and a half years ago, big unknown, no expectations. After the race we are going to go watch the Tour of California circuit race somewhere. I've got a pump for :Lance's wheel but I think I might have to wait in line. Gonna do my best to bring back some pics. 2.10.09 this weekend was SICK. perfect conditions in everyway. killing me that i haven't been able to report on it more. all was good except for my bike's grivetrain exploding ten seconds into the first run and a gruesome get off that resulted in a bloddy gusher of a nose. but that was beside the focus on cultivating the air addiction. so much launch down there, just couldn't get enough, just kept blasting away until the body could barely blast anymore. got a lot of sick pics and video coming soon. and hopefully another event or two before the spring slam jams begin. 2.1.09 the weather has been good. good for a cyclist that is... hear the snow is atrocious. so i've hung up the hopes of snow boarding in the immediate and have started winding up the gears. no firm program, no firm goals except that I plan to be a better rider than ever this summer. still finding new definition to my technique, and everyday learning to do little things better. can sense the body's cycle catching up though and know i'll have aches and pains sooner or later so hoping steady conditioning and a little more stretching will help keep the fun factor high. keep thinking i will log training here, but then i don't . Have mixed feelings about training logs, probably why I don't have a ride, just seems too serious and threatens to spoil it. also part of me fears inciting my competition to new highs, but I scold myself for foolish thoughts, for pushing each other to new highs is what it is all about. Today just rode to work and back. 1 hour 6 minutes, 18.2 miles. Cruising. Recovering from 1 hour 15 on the roady on Thursday with 2 SunnyBrae drops and a Community Forest drop in the middle. 2 Hours and 40 min and 40+ miles on the roady on Friday, mostly flat, but pushed intervals for an hour. Then Saturday was two hours of dirt digging and dirt Jumping. not enough if you ask me, but probably about right. 1.29.09 mmm it's sunny outside so i need to put some miles in. threw a new Revelation 20mm on the old Trance, gonna go work it out. Crackin the old head tube again, but that is what happens when you try to ride like a pro without the support. think it will hold for the Shootout though. Can't wait to go hold it to the stop at some big booters, get all moto whipped and shizzle. 1.20.09 february 7th we've been invited up to a friends house for a little mountain cross riding. after all this spectacular weather the event looks likely to be just in time for more wet weather, but that is half the tradition at the sohum shootout. sweet track for those who feel like catchin some air. inset is a shot of the fun step up beside the course. with an effortless run in this 35-45 footer is worth the trip. the rest has been good. discovered snowboarding this weekend. wow. might be a convert... at least won't be held up as much in the winter.
1.10.09 Happy new year. So much to do and so little time... Haven't logged in for awhile as I've been putting most spare minutes on the computer into editing up this 'HumCross' shenanagan. Oh and some spiffy titles for an associate that dusted off my After Effects abilities. You can the intro here, it's rather tight and almost justifies the 7mb file size. Dead of winter is a great time to dork out in front of the screen. Have been find time on bike though, and with increasing frequency this week. With holiday obligations behind feel ready to embrace some more focused training. Come too far to slow down is what I've been telling myself of late. Also too far not to produce some entertaining and original films, art, etc... back to it
12.25.08 Great Honda Manly Man Mountain Bike for sale!!! - $150 (Vegas Yo!) Reply to: [?] Bike for sale seal sunbathing on an Alaskan beach" . LV Metro cops have chased me on this bike 26 times for breaking the speed limit but I have always managed to elude them based on my extreme physicality and my superior knowledge of our valley's ever changing roadways. I can't guarantee this bike will do that for you but if your as proficient in ninja, gangsta-dom as me, then you may have a strong chance at replicating my impetuous feats.
PostingID: 845893681
12.14.08 my oh my the time flies. busy couple weeks with a string of two cross races here in humboldt. throw extra curricular interests in with a good friends birthday and it has been a busy bit. definitely riding since my last entry. and most definitely started digging, a very good thing which has brought me much satisfaction and peace. bought a new shovel and took her down to the old safe way hits , or more fittingly the "p.p. trails" (if you gotta ask you don't know), and started polishing the silver. very good. in the meantime raced a haggered body on a course in epic conditions, and trotted a fit frame on a freaking destroyed track. Good good times. Do wonder a little what might have been had i taken it all a bit more seriously or played tactics a bit better, but wouldn't have it anyother way. it's my way. second place this last saturday was nice redemption after an uncharacteristic 5th the week before, but can always do better. the thick slick mud of the bogg stomp was obsured yesterday. caking and destroying drivetrains in a single lap. converting pedaling gurus into wannabe runners. the course brought bikes and riders to their knees, as victor shen told me he belly slid down the courses single run up trying to help push his team's tandem bicycle. i liked it a lot, some great drifts, great bobbles and some great close calls... i digress, both events were beautiful and in the spirit of this community. NOW IF ONLY EVERYONE WHO DID ONE HAD DONE THEM BOTH IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A TRUE SCENE. maybe next time. in the meantime i am threatening to produce a video for local release of the grass roots action. i am wagging my finger, you just can't see it 11.30.08 around every corner lies unseen trail. and that's the best riding, charge ahead and let the reflexes do the talking. try to live the same. exciting and surprising life is, equally astounding is our ability to adapt and react. i've wondered many times what this pirate mania has all been about... wondered where me and it are going. but at this corner it seems we are here to grow, learn, share, and keep trucking toward our tenth anniversary. never thought i'd be old enough to measure time and/or accomplishments in decades. but here we come and our influence only grows. no reason to give in for fear of the worst, i'd rather charge down the trail expecting the best, wearing that shit eating grin, hooping and hollaring as i bunny hope another unforseen obstacle to another blind landing. the best.
11.24.08 hours at this editing deck. hours compiling these archives. time constantly accelerating. pages viewed from every continent, all headed somewhere together. where are we going... our means to the end. i'm going to work today, keepin at it cause i've got a long list of "means" before the end. 11.22.08 here's a forward i received that i enjoyed very much. wanted to share these important reminders on perspective.
ANTARES IS THE 15TH BRIGHTEST STAR KNOWN IN THE SKY. IT IS MORE THAN 1000 LIGHT YEARS AWAY. NOW HOW SMALL ARE YOU? ------------------------------------------------------------------ NOW TRY TO WRAP YOUR MIND AROUND THIS......... Here are Billions of Galaxies, located billion of Light Years away from us. Each Galaxy contains billions of Stars. Stars are surrounded by billions of planets. So far, we know of only one planet that nurtures intelligent life. What if we were not alone? Impossible? And yet, as smart as we think we are, we never found evidence of other intelligent life out there.
And yet, Someone up there knows how many hairs are on your head,
11.13.08 hoamy lomey here we came. braved the drizzle today to get above the clouds and tear back into the softened ruts of two weeks ago. me and the snydster had a blast. seven runs to the good. felt real good on course. last few runs fork was topping out, think the cartridge blew again. gonna have to do somethin soon. the forty is currently the weak link, cold be a lot worse, it still goes up and down. lot of sloppy pushing. wanted to head out for some more, but i got a spaz in my thigh that won't quit. so will rest up for tommorow, and the next. 11.06.08 yeah i did it. like a theatrical performance. my registration was mailed on October 20, the final day of allowable post marks. I received no confirmation of receipt as of november 4th, so it was with trepidation that I walked toward the veterans hall voting location at about six thirty in the evening. Luckily fortune afforded me moral support in a close friend, who had already voted that day, accompanying me to the poll. Soon helpful volunteers were guiding me from room to room in an earnest attempt to find the list in which i was hiding. To my amazement they found my name in print and handed me a ballot along witht the right to fill it in. The ballot itself was much planner, simpler, and more informative then I had anticipated. Yet the language was a bit twisted causing me to take pause on several occassions, not only to feel the weight of choice before me, but to comtemplate which side of a double negative proposal i was on. Soon I was in front of the large lock box, being guided through the proper steps of insertion. I had the right to do so, but not the right to take the pictures you see here, one of the many reasons my vote might be deemed null and void, but that just adds to the surreal flavor of it all. The volunteer gave us a very serious scolding explaining how this kind of thing was not allowed in California. I then botched the insertion and revealed my ballot to the volunteer making him very nervous indeed as if officials might descend on the polling location at any moment. But soon enough it was done, and after learning that this was my first time the edgy volunteer excitedly shook my hand, then gave me two "I Voted" Stickers and a high five. Wow. Felt good to take part, but with that said I also want to acknowledge the not so democratic side of things. The media, the banks, and the Politicians are reshaping the world. Stay alert and question everything, we must learn to observe ourselves objectively. Listen to this important song by "Anti-Flag". A.F. is not anti american, but they are anti deceipt and this song is a timely reminder to analyze the news that we perceive.
11.02.08 Joel G's blown pivot from LaGrange times is a changing, and the curve is exponential. the course sure changed a lot yesterday. trying conditions but enjoyable to be out training in the slop. unlike any riding i've done since may. hard on the bike, sure i should tear er down again after yesterday's grime. of course it rained steadily all morning as we practiced and timed. no sooner did we wrap up the final clocked run then the rain let. it held off for most of the finale but as usual the dirt got thicker and slower, so I was comparatively happy with the conditions we had. relatively happy with my one run. smooth, went outside when Jared went inside, high when he went low, outiside inside, and still the same time. Short course but very technical. Much fun. Did throw the flats back on after struggling a bit in practice Friday clipped in, and this was a saving grace and pleasure to ride on such a steep and loose track. Slippery changes of direction eventually became like a muddy slot car line making it possible to shralp feet up. Wished more had come, but fully understand why there were only four. We'll do it again soon. 10.31.08 all hallows eve and reflecting after a day of healthy shred. a lovely place we live, in last weekends time trial we nearly rode over a deer automobile casualty accompanied by telltale bits of glass and mirror. then about ten minutes later almost sent some of its live brethren to their demise as i bombed the descent. not most in the southerly metropolitan spreads who get to interact so intimately are there? today was final attention to the loamy. lots of runs, a grip of riders, further tweaking and bedding of the track. "an instant classic" one passerby was qouted as stating.. winds and clouds still threatining but no rain yet. we'll be ready for it one way or another. 10.28.08
10.25.08 Sunny day sunny day. makes it easy to put the dirty dishes away. Skipped some killer entertainment last night to crash out early and take a shot at the College of the Redwoods ime Trial course this morning at 9. Twice a year we get a shot to take down the records so it's hard to miss. always hoping for a personal best, and conditions were ideal. but fell short of the age group record, 4 min off the overall, 44:37 for a 15.2 mile hilly course. bout the same as i did last march feeling sick but riding more. to boot got stomped by 30 seconds by a fella on all steel sporting a handlebar bag. booya. still a good work out, but shows there work to do. well... when isn't there right? 10.24.08 am a year and a few months later i revisit family fun and a bi annual reunion tradition that defies classification. call it filing. part two... monkey bike time trials. the parking lot is fresh, the record stands, who will challenge?
10.21.08 was thinking about skinsuits a lil even before this weeks announcement. had been thinking about pulling it out for the high speed lagrange course again one year ago i doned the skinner pinner for what was the pseudo state championship. i had a good performance that day, my best times ever and a third overall after racing both super d and xc. it was fun to be able to make that choice, i don't think the competition held it against me. after times were posted this weekend I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened in the tighties... would it have been faster? would it be too fast and i would blow a braking zone? next will there be limits on the bikes, minimum weights like in road? it's a crazy world, and although Kranked 7 trys to allude otherwise, we gravity bikers are as twisted as the rest. what i do know is variables in racing are endless, and comparing times a year apart is an endless game. and i know i haven't had a visor on my dh helmet for a year, they're a pain, they break. but yes, once or twice i have been caught saying they distribute the load. i think what we have is industry lobbyists with interests in Troy Lee etc infiltrating the UCI, er I mean Fashion Police. 10.19.08 apparently they really do make it easy to vote, maybe that's how panther traps are made... but we've got one day's postmarking to make up our minds. Register. oh and even better, I won today at the La Grange DH in weaverville. not just my category but the overall. several times i've been edged by as lil as a second tobe second overall, but today it all clicked in a great run. far exceeded my expectations coming into the weekend. felt great. just may have to solicite a sponnsorship from "Aleve" after this one. as usual course was scary fun fast and left me wanting more. benefited form a couple new berms and some tires but was extrememly dry and i think grew more slippery throughout the day. a bit tougher then last year when it was moist. my time was blow mind but today it was about 20 seconds faster then anyone else. was most happy i was patient and sat out friday and saturday for the big show sunday. haven't done that for awhile and have been afraid it might increase the pressure, but first run was straight to plan, only a couple minor errors. that allowed me to push to the ragger point on run too, satisfied me by finding max speed in a few points, but drug my nuts in the rear tire and flitstoned for four seconds, then almost flat spun for one coming in fuve slower then first run. joel had a good first run despite a flat in last practice and did not start last run due to broke pivot, still took second in expert men, 5th overall i think. was proud to have a bunch of groms there shredding in the crowd. lots of firendly faces to catch up with. a truly rejuvenating experience, and walked away in one piece. sweet. poor graham pitts took the crash of the weekend in run one, almost clipped his bike in the nastiest section, luckily he got up and laid down a second run, but didn't want to see anyone rag doll like that. second best crash was my bud rowan gratz in last practice, as he attempted to launch into the creek crossing from the large pre roller. "kaboom" i think was the word... but he got it in for third expert, might have done better if his freehub hadn't popped out, caught on his frame, and locked his rear wheel in second run, pitching him off the bike. was all good, especially the first time racer who charged it on a hardtail with rear brake only... glad i went, glad i'm on the mend. glad my speed hasn't entirely dried up.
10.15.08 as days pass my recovering in time for competition this weekend becomes decreasingly foreseeable. still growling like a wounded badger at odd angles throughout the day. Rhomboideus major is the one. Just to the right of the trapezius and then turn left at Teres major. Caught the tree square backside on the Spine of scapula and wrenched the old Rhomboid a bit. Pretty bummed, felt in shape and ready to rock. nevertheless stoked it's goin down, stoked my brother will be racing. Just finished a new rear wheel for him last night, the Giant Team still realing from a couple of Diablo races in new jersey. Anyway pray and hope, and eat ibuprofen.
10.11.08 well today was another mission to the loamy. the trail trail doth call to all who know it... couldn't stay away, and this time brought a proper tool in the F.B.I. Stab. Took'er out of the sheath after a short hiatus and started to make some j' abs. Things got a lil violent when the trail struck back, or overhanging tree rather. In situations like today's I always find myself in awe of the body's acceleration when pivoting over the front wheel, i.e. goinO.T.B. Always good to know your testing your suspension, but would rather have spared he head ribs, and shoulder. Could been worse, putzed around a bit after but not close to par, so the pain will dictate whether I head out to La Grange or not. So in honor of fall and all this falling down here is some much overdue coverage of Team Pirate DH this season.
10.05.08 rocks and rain and rippin oh my. love whiskeytown lake's trails. they are so not humbodlt. loose rough and rolly even after heavy downpour. lil sleep, plenty of shred. time for bed. Bicycle Commuter Act Passes Congress, Awaits President’s Signature
After seven long years, the bicycle commuter tax provision has finally passed both the House and Senate as part of the financial bailout package. President Bush has said that he is eager to sign the legislation. “We are delighted that the bicycle commuter benefits act has passed after a lengthy and persistent campaign spearheaded by Congressman Blumenauer (D-OR),” said League President Andy Clarke. “Bicycle commuters will now be extended similar benefits to people who take transit and drive to work – it’s an equitable and sensible incentive to encourage greater energy independence, improve air quality and health, and even help tackle climate change. Thanks to everyone who has helped reach this milestone, especially Walter Finch and Mele Williams, our government relations staff over the years who have worked tirelessly with Congressman Blumenauer, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and many others in Congress.”
Thanks also to all of you around the country who have contacted your congressional leaders over the years. Keep checking back at as we work on the implementation process.
Matthew Banks
Director of Membership
League of American Bicyclists
1612 K Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 822-1333
10.01.08 ripples in the space time continuom. gnarly. but the riding has been good. macklyville hills today where some inspired single track loops have been revived. super flowy, killer corners, awesome whoops and rollers. all thanks to pirate moto hare scrambles, yee ha. plan to have one of our own out there soon too. oh so tasty. now just packing and prepping for trip to the whiskey lake- can't wait to rip up some of those rocks - , and beginning to move into readiness for la grange. been riding lots out of necessity, feel like i'll have some juice, should be fun. rolled the f.b.i. out tonight, the bikes an electric moto massage sofa from outer space. ready joke of the year? A 3-year-old boy examined his testicles while taking a bath. 9.29.08 this weekend was particulary uplifting. camped out in the King's Range conservation area on friday night in preperation for saturday's dedication ceremony. Rolled down with the C factor and Brian Hapgood. We squezed a lil night ride in before 2 am saturday morn. Caught some sleep then rode some more. The ceremony wasn't until noon, so our antzy asses sessioned one of the many epic descents a few times before the dedication got rolling. I was too pumped and anxious to wait around, jus wanted to go shred the loop, but Curtis covinced me and Happy to stay and were so happy we did. not just because BLM hooked it up with free food, drink, cake, and a complimentary Kings Range Jersey for everybody. But because they showed what upstanding and invested people made this project possible, they showed how open they are to learning about bike trail and feature design even though thy don't ride, and showed how much coan be accomplished with half a mill and some volunteers. Every individual involved left a great impression on me, and made me sorry more of us weren't around to help. But nothing is over, work and maintenance will continue there, and i'm sure it will jus get better, as well as other trail center opportunities arixing in our community. so stay alert aware involved. and don't buy farmed salmon, stagnant farm populations of up to half a million breed abnormal concentrations of se louse in coastal waters, then infecting, and killing, salmon fry as they return to the ocean. a pesticide is the only combat right now, called "Splice" it is fed to the fish, not fully effective, and the lice may become resistant. if things don't change natural born salmon could dissappear in four years.
9.24.08 the rascals planned it 9.22.08 here are a few pics of our latest crit published by the eureka reporter. cyclocross night ride home last night, quite the adventure. most would have turned back. insufficient lighting and too many headlights equalled riding by brail. made it though, one more day. 9.20.08 feeling a bit overwhelmed with pending issues, awareness hurts more and more by the day. folks need to realize that the worst is yet to come. of course we have the option to sit contentedly in the matrix, escapes multiply by the day, so it's up to you whether or not to consider pending threats on our humanity. Your Conversations, Your "Texts" are by NO means Private ... Texts On Call Your Food Is Being Modified And Manipulated ... Extinction of the Natural Order - Wiki Says - Documentary Your Freedom To Move and Choose Is Being Taken ... Give Us Your Card Doesn't exactly pertain to bikes, but bikes pertain to all this. Use it, don't abuse it. We've got to stay alert, aware, involved.
9.15.08 a lil vacation this weekend to rearrange an reevaluate at my new home. laying low and riding high, feels lke a return, but one has to be careful about feelinfg that way, cause as life changes so do the significancies of our pursuits. can't be off chasin a feelin that passed with a past era. but what? rode up to couch, down, then up to and down the sunny brae trail, both the best they have been this season, in my opinion. love my bike, love shredding, shredded. It was Tom Phillips Birthday so we went and hammered. Then I spent about six hours on the Revo pump track, with a lil help from my friends we are rasing the highs and lovering the lows, saying goodbye to slow one berm at a time. now i am dorking at home, trying to decide where it all begins. 9.14.08 had a good ride yesterday in the 100k tour de trinidad yesterday. was in the principle chase, fourth wheel overall when my lil three man crew took a wrong turn, skipping the last 7 miles or so. i knew it was wrong but i had really hoped we wouldn't have to do the out and back to patty's pointg, stupid. so i stuck on and finished the three way race in which i was bested, knew i would, i did most the work. but was then dq'ed. but played the defense tactic to a t, securing teammate Carl Hesselein's overall victory. Was fun, but reminded me of all the resons why I hate road; open courses, orienteering, waiting, blah blah blah. going to the dirt today, couch trail and pump track love. 9.12,08 somethin on the side. please watch skeletons in the closet, oh yeah tell one friend about it, or two... 9.11.08 911, havin fun, fivedays of work in a row though is a lil chappy, but it's the road we must hoe to get to go play. fall racing is upon us, getting some leg back and about to bring the suspension weapons out of retirement. 8.26.08 heres some more fresh produce. proof in the porta potty that it was a tough 12 hour race 2 saturdays ago. proof the the night life was gueling that night. and a random sequence from the ever evolving revo back yard. here winston busts a long wall ride on the pit bike. champion. jake todds bday this saturday, champion. (hint if you want to see the full size image rather than thumb just right click and select "view image" saves me the time of linking each one. thanks for understanding)
8.22.08 crazy days. been working a lot, as our shop crew has been shot handed. and just like in the fishing industry you have to work hard while the fish are running, and right now business is crazy. Economic crunch, high petrol rates, and the looming election are all bring people to the bicycle. not to mention it seems a record year for bicycle touring. these are not facts, just my observations. settling into new house in Eureka, hoping for the best, preparing for the worst as usual, but it is feeling all right. one week ago was in the airport an snapped this spy photo of a jolly mobber hoody. made my morning... 8.15.08 no rest for the weary, as we get older do we see more clearly? earlier this summer, at one of a few races i've traveled to this year an older friend of mine referred to the hobby/pursuit/bike/race as an escape from obligations of everyday life. i cringed at this a bit, because my goal for years has been to maintain the bike as my sole daily obligation. my church, my confressional, my probation officer, my bike. now today i sit on the outside of an insane 30 day period which has rather turned me upside down and shifted all of my focus away from the bike. sacrifices and work are being put forth to have it there later, but for now the thought of riding seems lke a welcome escape from the demands that have layed hands on my time. in a way this frustrates, but in another i will be looking at riding and training a little differently then i have been. hopefully attacking corners with more awareness, alertness, and authority. new digs, new town, and a lot of garbage left behind. made trip to airport at 5am this morn, now headed to shop, then a weekend of supporting cycling here between te 12 hour xc in arcata and the BMX redline cup in eureka. no chance to crash, or rest, or unpack. not to mention several crucial parties going down this weekend. on and not to mention all the drinking this last week waiting, oh and the knuckles, have to explain the knuckles. life hurts but it makes a good story. 8.07.08 Stuff Stuff doin stuff. Signs abound and I follow. Still schemin and dreamin as another Pirate winter approaches. Just a pic of me and the other local color on my birthday, hunter orange. aka the saw wielding BIG C
8.01.08 still in tranny mode, take it as you will... daily thinking of some free local racing though. definitely going to be two eco friendyly pirate push races before winter right here on the coast. here are two spy photos from nic Loomis' secret trail, the Illoaminator. The full face pick is his partner in creative crim, Brian Hapgood. The trail is steep, loose, tecnical, and off camber. Big bike would be the clear fast choice. Bout a minute 04 would be a record. Say private test track... 7.28.08 days gone by and I am submersed navigating the sea of rental opportunity. options and obstacles abound, but in this we must persist. for, after all, is housing not a right? or at least a natural desire and persuasion? and so on i seek my circumstance to meet. in the meantime entertain and maintain. got a lil sick for a lil bit, now i'm back on it, a blessed brief 48 hours. always riding, but riding little. life distracts from focused training but we will renew, enjoy each avenue, each drop of dew, for these are things designed for you. 7.16.08 distractions, life once again takes an unexpected turn, gonna be moving again. eveicted on a roommates behalf. so if anybody knows a place let me know. in the mean time will distract myself with "stuff" and the stab i am not gonna ride for a few rounds cause this broke bird has to build a new nest. but otherwise life is good, the man grows more evil by the day but we persist. The new kona is hovering betwen 39-41 pounds depending on tires and pedals... now 8" up front with the same bar height as I had with 7" on the faith... and new RockShox vivid coil in rear with 350 lb spring adjustable bottom bracket from under 13.5" to under 13.9", don't know how I lived with out such adjustment hand built wheels with Sun equalizer rims, double butted DT spokes, and WTB Super Duty hubs FSA gravity lite bar cut to 780mm (800mm stock), don't know how i raced on 685 for so long... shiny frame and stem Look Close theres a peek at P Dub setting up sound on my BDay.
7.14.08 Post party world and all is well. had a few randoms and some ex cons roll through my pad last nigh, but all in all not a bad group. Couch ride was rippin though littered with issues. I tacoed rear wheel in the first five minutes doing a lill whippy off a bump. then nursed it to the bottom with spoke flopping. Alex Cairns was along and charging with enough stoke for us all and my bud Tim was on his first DH ride ever so that was epic. My focus is lapsing here... after ride partied down all night with a private set from P DUB. sick. my fingers are heavy 7.13.08 some incongruous things i've learned in 25 years, at least those that are popping up this morning... +don't creep like a crack addict, there's no rush you'll get high +don't be too square, emulate the earth +love your parents, appreciate your parents +the ten commandments are a good place to start +the growth of understanding is a convoluted and unpredictable maze +the answers aren't on the internet, not in technology either +there's life after 25 (and so one might infer the same may follow 30-40-50 etc...) there's a group ride today down he couch, know you all know it but that is the point, that way we can all rally like the lokes we are. gonna be hangin round revo from about 9 am on call me or stop by and we'll figure it out, might ride to ease the gas pedals... hope some can 7.09.08 Thought you might like a lil hip check special. Blew threw my tights but not my pants, blunt trauma indeed. 7.08.08 So things are pulling together. New stopwatch today promises very solid times... Two kegs on reserve. Jamaica Red and Double IPA... A loaner faith nearly complete and ready for action... The time off allocated, and have even disguised this weekend in a shroud of legitimacy that has succeeded in getting Revo to close their doors on Sunday. Now the only question is the air quality... I am driving out Thursday night, planning to spend Sunday prepping courses so check with Revolution @ 707-822-2562 for verification on friday as to wether the weather is fair enough to race. If not, then we'll nmake do with time trials and drinking games on the coast. It's a quarter century party, it ain't going away... 7.06.08 Happy independence... another year and can't let the Pirate Go, cause it's about independence. Independent events, and independence from the fossil fueled trips abroad. not to say we won't ever travel again, but we gotta race more than we travel... Whistler plans are floating for this month, circumstances made a serious attempt to change our plans... Bro Evan Hobart just seperated his shoulder at north star's live wire trail on Friday. Same night I nearly cancelled myself at the BMX track. Was a lil prideful, figured I had the races won... Finally replaced an ancient drive train on the STP, was so stretched and worn and tired... But it worked. So my new Jerry Rigged drive (10 speed rear cog, siglespeed chain, and salvaged skip toothed chain ring) held just enough to be not enough. Tried to make it perfect, ditched idler and rain straight tight chain. But was too high a gear, and bad components. Had one warning crash in practice, chain popped pedaling out of first corner, I collapsed into bike and tumbled hard. Limped away though. Then adjusted chainline and went back out a lil pissed and seeking retribution... Was fine for awhile, started picking up speed, then next thing I knew I was trippin through lala land, Clarence by my side showing me through the Wonderful Life. Was like an hour for me, 30 seconds their time. Eventually came out of the fog and was told my chain had thrown sprinting into rythm section. Badness. Face survived but I'm the worse for wear. Banged hip, torn palm, charlied leg, bruised elbow and ankle but still lucky... Should have paid more, was wearing just a skid lid, no gloves, and the thinnest slacks imaginable... bad example, but a good message. Don't do like graves. But I'll be back, be back in full face and be back on Cruiser with real single speed drive. Till then I am going to take the hint and slow down a lil bit. Had been going top speed into that nights track session, Couch run that morning with Winston and Pete Geren. Was filling every spare moment. So now going to breath and prep for the tangle. Bring your beach cruisers and scooters please for the Modified DH... 7.03.08 It's a business world. Don't worry about the politicians, worry about the business folk, they hold the power and manipulate our desires. Of course any promoter wants to do so, myself included. Dream of nothing more than getting back in the Pirate MarketingGroove and taking over the world. But to get there need some thing called capital? Where does it come from? I am good at many things but business is not one. My bottom line is giving things away. Just ordered a replacement round of Pirate Jerseys for the boys. First order dissappeared... Grasping for graciousness, we must be worn thin to see through the veil. Give it all up to get it all. p.s. just posted some event times for the tish tang, thought that might help. and would appreciate any volunteers that weekend to help with timing, shuttling, etc. Be sure I will be runninf everywhere so it will go off regardless.. 7.01.08 Welcome to july, welcome to my silver anniversary, welcome to an era of hustle and flow. now we know enough to really go and show. Manifesting stability and tranquility and a trip to Whistler BC in a matter of days. Anything is possible if you keep those mental idlers rolling. rarely have time to post pics and thizz cause i am a manic machine of mass production and the reduction of this generations ignorant concussion is now on the forefront of my silly minds fussin...