Past Logging
Past Logging II
trying to get to this entry for several days now, but the adventure of
life has been rolling right along. Shall we call it the Redding
Mobbers Premiere Report? Shall we call it the new eyes explanation?
Shall we call it legs still recovering and mind lagging behind? No
matter what we call it the trip last weekend to Redding area was
incredible. Incredible company, incredible hospitality, unparalleled
riding, a successful screening, and well...
Saturday Morning: After spending all evening packing, organizing
merchandise, burning last minute DVD's, confirming directions, etc. I
went to sleep.
Saturday Morning: Woke up to throw last bikes on car, wake brother up,
and get ourselves out of dodge. Gassed up and were east bound on 299
by six oclock.
Saturday Morning: Arrive at Whiskeytown recreation area and chill our
for about half an hour before preparing for xc ride with Redding
Mountain bike club. By nine the club began to roll in and they kept
coming till somewhere between 30-40 riders (apparently a small group)
were prepared to head out. We rode for a little over ten miles on some
very technical, steep, and rocky trails. the group slowly divided up
as riders chose different directions and difficulties. Overall the
group was super cool, very supportive, and stoked to show us around
their neighborhood. met some great folks, sold a few DVD's and had a
Saturday Afternoon: By the end of the ride we were feeling our lack of
sleep and just wanted to kick it. We rolled to our temporary homestead
with Sandy Ross and got cleaned up, fed, etc. Pretty much bummed
around all afternoon, worked on the bikes a bit, tested the video
projector ad just ejoyed the beautiful day.
Saturday Evening: Depart Sandy's for Ultimate Pizza CO. We totally
ransacked the placem rearranged, hung our posters and screen and set
down some temporary roots. Sandy came through huge with a projector
and DVD player, couldn't have done it without her. The place was
flooded with light till 7:30 so pushed back the feature a little bit,
but folks began showig up late ayway so it was perfect. Ran the reel,
raffled some schwag (BIG UP AZONIC RACING)
stoked the populous out. had a couple pitchers in me, feeling great,
shooting the shit. Good folks good times. Thanks Jim ad the Ultimate
Pizza Crew, Big Up Big Up.
Sunday Morning: Passed out havig called off the night ride, feeling
wiped. Looking forward to six oclock wake up to go downhilling.
Sunday Morning: wake up and check cell phone, tells me it is 5:53am,
stoked, check messages, taking my time waking up, but wondering why it
is so light outside... phone then resets to 6:53! Then back. Damn
satelites. So we bounce in a crazy hurry already half an hour late.
Of course we met the crew just fine, no hard feelings that i know of.
Approaching top of South fork mountain DH run. Big Up Todd Hoeft, Nor
Cal God, and father of the best Pirate trail I have ever ridden. First
run i stack like a patsy in the top rock garde chasing todd and L.G.
down. Only feel at like 2 miles an hour but all rocks there are razors
so got a little bloodied. Hike back up and clean my way back to the
group. To put the trail into perspective, the top 1/3 mile drops 800
feet in elevation, bad ass. Then the bottom becomes wide open
chunderous double track, a natural creek rock section with flowing
water, and more incredible corners then anyone should ever get to ride
in one day. After run one the Chain Gang drew, Erick Weidenkeller
Jeremiah Collins and L.G. cut out for 10:00am work, Joel and I do
another run, and then another. Pinned top to bottom the trail is
somewhere around ten minutes it seemed. But the abuse, fun, and
challenge is equivalent to a solid hour anywhere else.
Sunday Afternoon: after three runs down the south fork Sandy, Joel and
eye decide to go shuttle the Ice Box DH at whiskey town lake before
heading back to the house. More sick unseen trail, ripping rock
sections, etc. Permasmile.
2:00pm Sunday Afternoon: Back at Sandy's packing up the rig to depart, thanks yous and all that Jazz.
Sunday Afternoon: At the Chain Gang Bike shop meeting up with Jeremiah
and L.G. to roll to the "Rider Ranch", Jeremiah's pad. Once there we
explore the possibilities of his sick and fresh pumptrack, be daunted
by his phat back yard cliff drop, scope his trials course and short
track trails, bang his drums a bit, have some matte, and get way stoked
out. The session was solid, Erick W. showed up and Joe ? was there.
Lots pf progression, helped motivate some first attempts on the track
which is always fun, good company riding was elevated.
Sunday Evening: Jeremiah and L.G. lead us to the Redding Jump trail.
The legend was revealed, have heard of it for years, was prepared to be
blown away and unable to ride it, but was unprepared for what I
actually encountered. Met Chad Mitchell, Jason Marciano, and Chasin ?
there along with several other rippers and had my mind blown to
smitherens. Some pictures are coming but they will do the show no
justice I am sure. I saw things i never thought achievable outside of
an x games arena. Not to put anything on anyone but, the R.J.T. is
what is happening, everything else is tiddly winks... Don't even know
how much i should say or describe becuase then you will get images and
think you know what i am talking about, but you won't. The amount of
work, the size, the amplitude, and the skill of the kids there is
insane. All riding hardtails, all throwing it huge, and all humble and
welcoming u and anyone to ride their trails. Amazed. I'll just say I
saw Mitchell send his hardail about 35 feet and almost three stories
overhead, it blew my mind... The wind was picking up on the top so we
dropped onto the downhill jump run and sessioned a sick section. Took
me numerous bitch runs to get it down but when I did my adrenaline was
pegged like it hasn't been for days. On the verge of exhaustion and
completely stoked out I experienced more hang time in a forty minute
session then I have in a long time anywhere else. "Centipede" to ? to
"Java" to "Party Popper". Things are just a little different there,
the bar is a little higher, the kids all come up in a more intense
atmosphere and so they build a little bit more intense stuff, the
intensity gets stacked and, blamo, you have the RJT phenomenon (Big Up
Cecil Johns). The lips are a little steeper, the gaps a little bigger,
the landings a little more sniper, the bikes a little sketchier, and
the skills a little more refined. The dirt is loose, even when they
say it is tacky, and fosters bike control like nothing else. They name
every hit and everyone agress on it, each hit does indeed have a
personality, as do the trails, steeped in history, blood and sweat. I
was possesed by something there, I will be back soon, and I will
definitely never dig the same again.
Sunday Evening: The session finally wound down at dusk and we had
split with the rippers. Rode the trail back out and loaded up L.G. to
give him a ride home. 36 hours after our arrival we were headed west
to resume the coastal attack. It took an hour for me to come down from
the adrenaline of our JT session, and when I did I was done, toast,
kaput, but so stoked that I couldn't really shut the mind down.
Monday Morning: Home safe and sound and committed to step things up in
the Hum CO ,inspired by the loose lucidity of the Redding Militia.
I have been on our own RJT every evening for the past three days,
throwing dirt, whips, tables and turn bars. When i arrived at the
jumps they were no longer interesting, pinner is the word. So it must
continue. Again not to put anything on anyone, but i sense much more
complacency here in hum co then other places, more contentment, less
openmindedness, a little more ego and assumption that our shit is on
par. Sorry to break the news but we have a lot of catching up to do.
So next time you step ou to ride just remember there is always a grom
somewhere throwing it high, harder, faster, and better so keep pushing
and keep it loose.
P.s. Look for pictures of some of the trip highlights in the Spring Ridefiles Coming Soon.
ok so here it comes again, the graves rant, diatribe, monolgue, cope out copulation. call it what you may, but i just have to put some things out into the air cause it gets crowded in my head. so this weekend was killer the collective energy had me stoked and ready to pour more into pirate than I have all season. it was good times. the course was sweet, high speed and rough like I haven't seen for sometime, was flashing back on a course at the shasta damn which claimed my right hip back in 2001. in the final had a moment where i looked over the edge, bucked from one water bar into another and saw doom sitting before me as a log which my face wanted to endo into. but six years later i have found the where withall to resist such temptaion and managed to turn down the request. anyway felt like i had decent runs, wasn't upset with any of it. but now looking back i can identify my shortcomings which led to getting the spank laid on my puss tush. first off it was the first ride this season in which i felt like my fresh commitment to flats hurt me. all the other rides have been steep enough, tech enough, and sloppy enough that it was fine. but i was dogging the pedals relative to others i am sure and was feeling the disadvantage of my new 170 cranks versus the slightly longer 175 i have been running. I thinks over all they will be better, but not this weekend. next tried to apply the care free pin method, not stopping once on course all day i figured i would just wing it. but lines were changing not to mention all the work the delongs and wilson had done. I think i handed over a fair bit not hitting the new lines and hops everyone was talking about. especially the hops, even the "log pre jump" i skipped, underestimating my fitness thinking it was better to conserve. talking with Ryan he had found ways to hop nearly every hole on course which was momentum i should not have sacrificed. then too it seemed Ryan and Mr.T had the ideal bikes for the course, just enough front end to hold through the chunder, light enough to accelerate quicker and efficient enough in tghe rear to rail on the gas. not to take anything away from Mr. T, he pulled one off, pretty impressive. All i can figure is his moto abilities kept him competitive in the free ways, and his rig had him ahead on the flats. Amazed, he is the king. I think had the course been a little more tech and gnar in places we would have seen things sort out differently, and would have seen times spread out a bit, but it was what it was. Weidenkeller of Redding again impressed, having never seen the course till the day of and finishing right in the mix. I was stoked to be able to beat him after his spanking performance at ride one, but also just stoked to ride with him and get to train him in practice, rides like he is on rails. Ryan is just Ryan, right bike, light tires, killer skills. What can a boy say except I am glad he is around and showing us girls how to ride. For my part after my water bar black out I was coolin it down, touching brake way too much and just being overly cautious, so it goes, so we learn. gotta stop and inspect and session. Ryan did and he took it to us all. Should be a good season. The crew is super tight and that should keep things interesting. Was stoked to see my brother step it up too, tying robbie and beating a lot of older bigger guys. I have been forcing him to pedal and hit shit and it is starting to show. i don't think anybody realizes how crappy his bike is right now either. a toune up and getting it down below 47 pounds or whatever the tanks weighs would have had him in the top five I think. but did what I wanted, had a descent showing while being way laid back. so that is good, now just gotta figure out if i am going to stick with the flats all summer or not.
time keeps on slipping in to the future. new trails are born, new lines delivered, etc. Bikes shred and explode, blew a deraileur night before last for no apparent reason, feeling buried in bike maintenance and necessary upgrades. basically broke as a joke, but the bikes will fly. other wise pretty distracted in everything right now. trying to assert energy toward the TUC vid and apply myself equally or greater in a pile of other pursuits. still this pales in comparison to the sacrifices made by many i know. still feeling overwhelmed, but know that resolution comes with time.
now other topics, couple photos here from the bmx track, nothing special, a ride files preview if you will. rider is eddie the machete. p.s. this is over the tracks triple, few are even man enough to air this out, let alone trick it.

month to sea otter dh finals. the season starts and ends. life is in
serious flux. got to lay it all out to decide whether or not to chop
it all up. hope to be racing loads this summer in and around the west
side. we'll see.
I cut my hair tonight. I almost cut it all off.
disregard previous message, event was uncancelled.
we're squeezing at least one more in, stay tuned. right now have
twenty four hours to poilish my films for festival submission.
tight ship we run, or do we sink? we see, all i know is the
rats are already bailing.
Straight report from Amos Pole, 8:
the last entry didn't exactly pan out. life has been quite
translated, rather mystical i might say. moments traveling at the
speed of thought where time is insignificant, and others where black
hole gravity bends the waves of time by at an
unbelievable pace. now striving to make things happen with the
TUC video, crazy legit it craves to be. envoices and play bills
and blah blah blahs oh my. sitting in the muddy waters formerly
known as right now where was working and a womens open mic solidified
around me. mmm hmmm. and here i sit logging, what, riding
till i drop. yesterday and today pushed the dh rig up down and
out of the kneeland trail. followed each with a sprinkling of the
slippery jump trail, RJT that is. Somewhere in the middle
appeared a hell huck with sean t. mi o mi. recovery, rest,
coffee rips
back in it as they say... or is it just me that says that...
the shakes are
back tonight, but these are different. sick sick sick.
crashed after ryan d and i busted ass on the new course thursday.
now i am bummin and bidding my time as i work through the weekend and
pray health returns in a timely manner. so much to do, but that
was part of the problem. overrode, weather cold, resistance
on a side note where is sean t? i miss him.
got the shakes, I had one taste, now all I can think about is getting
another bump. Do you know those moments when your dream world
intercepts the waking one, when you are suddenly given the touch, the
high, the fix that had been haunting your conscious and unconcsious
imagination? Do you know the sensation outside of time, where the
goals and notions you once possesed are suddenly dimensions away?
Such feelings brought on by the most powerful substance on the planet,
the keystone of life, the womb of desire. I have tried to resist,
tried to deny my innate thirst, yet i must accept that departures
always bring about new destinations. With these new vibrant
horizons come fresh inspiration and a driving energy born of nothing
more than the electricty which sits heavy in the air around us.
This energy has settled into my core and I feel springs of new emotion
and thought flowing forth into every action. There are no regrets
upon seeing the true figures outside the cave rather than merely their
ghostly shadows dancing upon the walls around. New colors, new
possibilities, and a rare look upon myself inspiring new levels of
selflessness. Can the jones be squelched, can the shivers be
stiffled? Perhaps, yet realization is a one way street and we
must walk it bravely hand in hand with providence. I'd say that
the world has been inverted, yet how can I be sure that it was not I
who was always standing on my head. A round world born of a flat
imagination, doors flung open as my ship plummeted off the edge.
And now I again tumble into the purest creation under heaven, thankful
that time has not closed my mind to the incredible wonder of woman.
again, oh that's nice. gotta get back on the training wago,
shifting focus from the mob to actually mobbing again myself, plus the
era of the tour is upon us, the tour of the unknown coast video.
so if you are wondering where the logs head is at. now you have
just realized it isn't april...
in the moment there are infinite possibilities for the future,
but we always settle into one. There were many ways I could have
gotten down to this film beig done, but there was one way that it has
come to coming about. And this is it. 36 hours from show
time and I am less than half way through transcoding my final
disc. many things i could be trying to do now, but what i am
doing is staying awake until it is ready to hit the button one more
time and then look for some winks. this here loggage is being
typed on my recently returned nascar laptop. so far so shady as the "n" key is working intermitantly, we'll see if she holds. but till then, if 50 million
operations a minute (or what ever count i had before) wasn't enough, no
double it, too screens at once. now that is productivity, only i
really am beginning to notice a decline in my vision. pray for my
eyes, my laptop, my lungs, my legs, your loved ones, and th future of
the GP, that is all.
again one day later than i thought it was, which leads me to question
if it was what i thought it later. i think it wasn't. back
at the desk approaching wee hours hoping i can get some work done on
the timeline tonight. posters hit the streets today, pick up your
handbill at any Eureka Arcata bike shop. definite progress has
been made in the last week. it is all very close now, still it
isn't for most, but i think those it is for know it and will appreciate
the time that is in it, as the recent Journal article illustrated, most
just don't get it. Hope the film can at least bring them a little
closer. So everybody come and bring an unanitiated friend, yes do
heard a radio add on the way home i though applied to all us pirates
and i thought i would share, hoping it might make an impact.
tomorrow IS martin Luther King Jr. day and we should all be thinking
about civil service, help with something this county really needs...
more downhill trails.
Well on
its way in Hoopa is the branchild of Rob Rhall Jr. and Justin
Graves. Was looking at the dates here and couldn't figure out
where the last two days went, that's cause I was away from the computer
and on the trail sculpting. Thanks to the genrosity of Hoopa's
Pirates Pat Jackson, and Brothers Amos and Nate Poll next month is
going to hold another fabulous and free DH ride. Wanted to come
up with something fresh and challenging. After riding a very
leafy and treacherous Slippery eel a couple weeks ago Rob and I thought
the trail needed to be revived and given a new look. So the last
two days and tomorrow have been spent raking and re aligning the Big
Hill classic. The more hands the better so hit me up, today was
out with Joel and Nic Lumas and things just get better. The final
date isn't set, likely second or third week of February. Really
want to pimp the trail out for this one. widening her way out and
giving many subtle and not so subtle options, where there were none
before. Should be good.
right gravity pirates on the cover of the northcoast journal.
just when i thought i was out, i am in as deep as it goes... the
controversy has already begun. i say any dialogue on bikes and
their access, or lack there of, is a great thing. but am i man
enough and mature enough to be beaurocratic about it all??
first four digits of this date are a palindrome! well lord knows where
the head is at, fifty some frame captures from where i started, wanting
to write this journal, decided it was only proper to do that
first. 4 am on the night i said i'd turn in to store energy if
the bmx track is open tomorrow, er i mean today. but pressed
right on working and here we are, it has come time for me to ask
you to hope in my time machine with me and go back... wait just a
moment now... i just have to... wait for it... hold as long as i can...
ahhhhhhh that's better. where was i, uh oh yeah we're hoppin in
the time jobber. that button there, yep.
so saturday, sohum shootout. wake up and it's wet, knew it would
be, its ok. no really now nobody cares about any of that, they
want me to just skip to the good part. so its the championship of
our eight feler bracket, the first heat even remotely resembling the
energy of a real race. You see the day was pretty relaxed, only a
handful of riders and nobody who was particularly throwin it.
abubububub shoot mind blank, fart, spasm, ahhh. can't remember
where i was going with that, suffice to say I wasn't feeling too much
pressure. So it was in the final round against my brother.
The young man was puttin it on himself before the heat, off in the
corner getting his psyche on (same thing i used to do against sean t
and matt) except he really seems to be able to harness it
sometimes. He had qualified just one second behind me (they
didn't count splits) and honestly he had a great run. I never
ride those qualies at stars to hard when i feel confident with the head
to head matches and my gate starts, so i felt I still had a pretty good
cushion. We loaded up in the start gate he was quiet, I was
talking and shaking his hand and such, I was pretty resolved to ride
well and let whay happened happen. For the first time that day I
really saw the gate, i was up and stable and looking wide at Matt's arm
as he set to pull. Was snap was the best all day, too good in
fact as my rear tire spun out on the wet wooden starting ramp.
This gave the boy a half wheel length on me as I reset. Again
pretty confident with my pedal power and put the cranks in I needed to
pull even with him and hold my line through the whoops. Once we
were abreast I began to slide to my right, trying to keep him out of
the corners decisive inside position. Up to speed we were in
perfect rythm through the first straight. All I could hear was
the single sound of our tires airborne and landing together. As
we dropped into the first corner I pushed hard on the inside and
swooped high forcing him behind. Instinctually I tapped my front
brake in the apex of the corner... OH YEAH THE Fin BRAKE! ok quick
aside, so all day long I was completely without a rear brake.
Flipping the bike for a cleaning the night before had freed some
criminal bubble in my brake and it was done, one hundred percent.
Needless to say this posed some difficulties with decelerating from
high speed in the mud. So I had brake points carefully picked
(two), if they were needed with the mud resistance the track was
possible brakeless.... so I tapped that old front rotor and Joel boy
scrubs the rubber on my rear tire hard enough that Matt could hear it
from the gate. With no where to dodge Joel reacted by shutting it
down ever so slightly, but too late to hold speed for the second
straight's first double. He cased, and I rode away. To his
credit the lad was riding the track very well and his speed in some
sections was contest to mine. Though inconsistent I knew to be
sure I would have to play tactics, yes as my mentor Sean T was said at
the same event, "Age and treachery versus youth and enthusiasm."
so to conclude, watch out world if joel t g starts training.
Should Series Points Be Tabulated This Season??? |
it is 4:14am and i am cooking
up little quizzes. yes, that is productivity. have put
myself in the crunch and now here i am, head in the vice of time.
glance at the clock and it is two days later than i thought.
making good progress tonight though on the final edit. i like the
chinese dh section, and i think you, the discerning pirate, will like
it too. if you don't find me and tell me why, don't talk behind
my back like a you know what... that isn't directed at anyone it
was a joke, seriously.
Well ride 2 is upon us,
kind of a disjointed thing this year, super casual, but that is
good. My bike is clean and ready to go, weather looks to be
swinging either way, should be interesting. Pretty much prepared
to be soaked and getting blown off my bike, any thing mellower than
that will be gravy. Looking forward to pumpin up event coverage
here, with a descent writeup, pics, and video clips. Hopefully
that should all be coming together.
Happy new year to you all, didn't think we would live to see this many
days, can't imagine we will see more, but it seems to be the
trend. Gotta watch out for being trendy though, it can land you
in a grave. Well the last month has been absolutely crazy, crazy
fun, but also crazy off task. very difficult now to get back to
the grind. With the next premiere only 18 days away i am under
the gun in a big way and still social obligations are callnig me away,
just too many good friends around here during this time of
year. Just got back from San Francisco on tuesday,
was a nice escape to the city for a few. (aside... North Coast Journal
just called wanting a cache of high res photos for next weeks issue,
talk about piling it on, sweatshirt and hat designs are in, press
releases have to follow, and editing needs to move big time)
Anyway The City was fun, except all the celebrating took its toll and i
finally went down sick on the way down there. So not a drop of
alcohol passed my lips the whole time, didn't get crazy as I had hoped,
but debauchery will always be there.
Here is me sick
So now just trying to get back on track and hoping I can offer some
shred up this saturday at Star's, not as sharp as I had hoped but so it
goes when you are a homless unemployed drifter. Got to come to
terms with my life this year, but having a hard time. Wrapping up
the thirty hour fast today which had me feeling mucgh better, flushing
out the system with some detox and grapefruit juice, feeling much
better, and hoping I can find the power come this weekend.
the paradox of existence. someone
somewhere once figured out that cancers have this thing about polarity,
extremes of belief, action, and interest stretching to both ends of the
spectrum. most days i see this clearly, try to embrace it, and
try not to implode. today i am overwhelmed with my disgust of
technology, spent a lot of money on a laptop, half of me hates it, and
half of me needs it. it isn't working right now and i am cursing
my laid back life and empty pockets. of course i had to buy the
cheapest lap top on the planet and of course i am not surprised when it
works like crap. want to cleanse my life of these things, but
also want to create and astound with what this crud enables one to
. so once again i am in an argument with myself, impatient, poor,
and unable to orchestrate my own solutions due to lack of scrill and
income. so how do i make it work, a life of contradiction and
revolt that is. anyone have any ideas let me know.
"there's blood in my mouth cause i've been biting my tongue all week"
um, not to offend any but i am glad christmas is over, still got the
holiday hump but pretty much going to have to ignore it from here on
out. once again it looks like i have graciously dug myself into
another hole, and now it hits me that the work load in the next two
weeks is going to be pretty stiff leading up to the January 22nd
show. guess that is how jobs go, you put them off until it is a
necessity, but just before it is too late. so it goes, wondering
if i should shave and cut...
clock is ticking down, now a little more than an hour before i go back
to revolution in a working capacity. filling in some holiday
shifts to lighten the load a bit, retracing the route to the little
hill top shop that I have traced so many times before. Years ago
on a little DH wanabe bike laiden with gear to go chase the crew
downhill, to take my first maintenance courses, and to live cycling
more than I ever imagined. Good things, I am excited, stepping
back in everything is lighter and sweeter and fresher.
who joined the babylon revolution. that's right, you guessed it,
I bought a laptop. Thought I must admit the novelty of typing
this in a coffee shop is quite stimulating. At any rate I think
this means the style and frequency of updates will be evolving, as I go
forth into the world to share it's bits and pieces with the Pirates
each step of the way. Hope this will afford me more inspiration
to write, and at least the ability to capture moments and thoughts as
they arise. Of course technical issues have already arisen, so we
will see how the walls of Babylon burn.
oh and happy soltice, winter begins and the sun begins to return.
uh, misrepresented my
capabilities this morning, wanted to get up and go for a shuttle at
7:30, but the Ancient Age and Jaeger kept me up till 6:00. Really
thought I could do it, humbled again.
the rain is abating, my
constructs are shaking, must keep on creating but somehow i am
delaying. trying to get back into the editing groove to spin up
the completion of this GP saga, hard though not having a roof of my
own, i can only justify so much in borrowed space. been a week
long celebration since the premiere, now trying to do something, is it
well much to speak on and
not much desire to stay stationary and type it out right now.
definitely have broken the computer habit since being back, which is
great. but considering that my job right now is computer
exclusive kinda tears me up. any way saturdays' pirate ride was
dope. i sherked almost all responsibility and just rode which was
sweet. unfortunately i was riding like a fairy. about what
i expected though, had literally not ridden my dh rig for two and a
half months since the video's final edit began, feeling pretty out of
shape and pretty cautious. the length of the trail was a big
factor for me. had to really pace myself as i felt my strength
ebbing half way down. so kept it upright in both my runs and rode
ok but my endurance was falling off quickly. think my fastest run
was the untimed practice and then i just started getting tired, so by
the finals i was sloppy and couldn't get my time in the competitive
range. nice to get spanked though, very nice, no pressure now and
a clear ceiling to bust through. i was particularly stoked to
have such a fast turn out for the ride. easily the most
competitive pirate field I have ever seen. With five of the top
ten riders coming from out of the area the locals were definitely
challenged. plus thehalf the field was top level expert or semi
pro which is the kind of company we need more of. so pretty
excited to be in the running with an easy fifth in the game and can't
wait to get soem fitness and confidence back as this month
progresses. as for the rumors of death and disaster at the ride
see the coming ride 1 writeup for my well rounded opinion, here all i
have to say now is I take as much blame as anyone.
Well things are wrapping,
can't say wrapped, but wrapping and this stage is coming to a
close. Two days and I will be enroute to California with a
completed film in hand. Was very exciting when that first copy
printed and worked, had to get down and thank everyone and everything
that made it possible. Only took two weeks of full time work and
four days with a total of 12 hours sleep to get it done, but it is
done, and in a fashion that I am quite proud of. Everything from
the film's content, edit, cover, trailers, promotion, and premiere has
been a big step forward in professionalism and techinique. That's
what it is all about. Got lots more in the works so hope all
stay, or become, fans of the Fox Horn and continue to support the
cause. So don't expect any updates for the next week or so as I
will be floating about. And of course my disclaimer, if for some
reason tragedy befalls and I don't make it know that I went without
fear or regrets, proud of the life I have lived and my accomplishments.
Me or No, December 5th is Going Down!
presently i sm
rendering the final timeline of Mobbers, just completed the final TV
screen test to ensure that all vital material falls inside the crop
lines, looking good, very pleased with what is coming out. this
is now my second attempt at this entry as my compu is refusing to multi
task right now and continues to dump secondary programs. i now
feel it is time to reveal my design with this fast approaching premiere
and dvd release. ready to be at peace with the decision that has
brought on more turmoil then any to date with this project. the
obstacle was simple enough, what do i show and what do i cut. the
initial timeline of chapters which i laid out for mobbers finalized at
four hours with no way of cutting two hours without eliminating vital
story components. so my dillema was how do i preserve the record
that this documentary is and how do i present a contiguous and engaging
story without asking people to sit down for four hours
straight. three choices were apparent and possible. cut
half the rider features and the pirate jump jam to present just the
races and the riders featured at each. cut the film in half and
present a two part GP saga. or revert to the initial plan
conceived a year ago of a GP trilogy in which the first film (Gravity
Pirates Beginnings) would cover the random footage collected around the
birth of Piratedh, GP II (Mobbers) would be a compilation of all the
key riders involved, and GP III (?) would be the entire 2005-2006 GP
season. for the time being i have put away the desire to release
a commercially viable dvd, in favor of releasing one that will be
priceless to my friends and family back home. the december 5th
premiere will be "Mobbers" a copilation of the uncut rider features
coupled with the pirate jump jam coverage of summer 2005. this
will lay the foundation for GP 3, which will screen in January, which
will include truly awesome coverage of all the pirate rides of
2005-2006. the run time of mobbers is approximately one hour and
fifty minutes, and i promise it to be educational, entertaining,
compelling, and engaging beginning to end. i know you will all be
pleasantly surprised and will see things you never exoected, and things
you have never seen before. there will be a single feature dvd
that comes out of the two parts, which will include the key racers and
the races. this is truly the best way to tell the story, though
many sections will have to be cut, and it is this version which will
air at screenings outside of humboldt and be submitted to various film
festivals. i just couldn't bring myself to show it at home.
so just to reitterate. december 5th, humboldt exclusive, Mobbers
directors cut, short dvd run, don't miss it.
oh my god, it's enough to
make a director's heart stop. don't want to bore you with the
techincal and financial obstacles i have been dealing with so i will
try to sum it up pretty generally. my equipment is
antiquated. trying to do more with it then i should.
thought of upgrading mid project, but wasn't safe to budget that in mid
production. so decided to purchase more external memory. of
course it is half price online. of course my ignorance lead to
incompatible hardware. my reorder arrived to day (with
seven days left to print and finalize) and didn't work. i rush
everything to the local computer store. they confirm my reorder
external enclosure is not functional rendering my new 320g hard drive
useless. so i buy yet another hard drive to plug into the first
enclosure i bought (the one which the drive was incompatible
with). The cost of a new computer later i am headed home ready to
no lights, nothing. I flip, completely my worst nightmare, no
matter how much you prepare yourself, everything changes. Then i
noticed my old nemesis, the jammable reset button, got bumped in
transport. a ray of hope. twenty minutes, a screwdriver,
much sweat, two flashlights and a butter knife later it pops out.
She fires back up. now numb trying to figure out the best way to
utilize/return all this extra crap. can't really have too much
disk space in this line of work, and will needing it as i dig in on the
west coast so not a total burn. just a scary few hours. was
planning how to cancel the flight and everything if she was down.
i couldn't go on with it.
nine days and
counting. too pleased with the graphic design today to be pensive
or reflective or any of that junk that comes across so well in the
log. so going to be brief. the final draft of the flick is
done, just hanging till iget some more hard drive space to print it,
yikes. today wrapped the cover and disc design, mmm hmmm, i
like it. i like it a lot. took it way farther than i
thought i would or could. gives me pleasure to start figuring out
shit that people pay money and go to school to learn. in short i
think it looks pretty pro. and this is just the training project.
has it really been that
long already??? jeez, well things are pretty darn good in the
pirate world right now. as you should have seen rides are falling
into place for the 2006-2007 winter ride series, never thought it would
go this long, but apparently it went just long enough to never
stop. so the pirates are wearing a lot of hat's these days and
bringing you the same homespun, freedom wrought, liberty lovin downhill
rides we have all grown to love.
on top of that i have possesion of a ticket back to california, and
some pretty dope film sections i can't wait to share with my fellow
mobbers. remember first ride december 2nd, then the mobbers
premiere on december 5th! crazy times, crazy times. i will
in california on the evening of the 21st, hope you all hunt me
down. cause if you don't i am gonna have a lot of doors to knock
on, don't think i won't come down the chimney either.
high diddily di, an editing
life for me. well in the last few days i have succeeded in
cutting the first half of the film down a bit, and it is definitely
better for it. but when i say a bit i mean a bit, no where near
the necessary cuts to fit everything i have spun up into a two hour
package. but just moments ago as i watched one of the rider
profile sections and glowed and laughed and smiled i just kinda took a
step way back, saw how much i like it all, and realized how much i want
to share it all. the idea of going out on a limb and producing a
two disc (video magazine ish) series is growing more real.
eventually there will be a festival edit, one that will be an hour, and
sadly, one that will exclude numerous rider profiles and several events
sections. that is the only way due to the sheer number of events
and people that i am attempting to cover. the way my mind works i
simply cannot bring that version about for presentation before i foist
the long winded version on peolpe, for fear that the audience might
never again sit down to see the extended play, and for fear that i
might never sit down to spin the extended edit... it is starting
to make sense. kinda. at least what i want and am unwilling
to compromise on is coming clear, i am pretty stubborn on some
things. the only real concern is investing in dvd duplication on
two issues... if the first flops the second might never occur...
but i really believe in my ability to make it happen, just the nagging
societal pressures squelching the imagination a bit yet.
originally we planned for two issues, "Mobbers" was to include only
rider profiles, jump jam coverage and selected adverts. the
second issue"GP forever" or whatever, was never set in stone, was going
to be the series coverage. I firmly believe though that the
profiles and events compliment eachother and each is more poignant in
the company of the other. and now having seen them together
myself i cannot go back. so the only way to split it would now be
right down the middle. the first issue containing the first half
of the series, and the jump jam, along with the associated
profiles. the second issue containing the second half of the
series, happy trails, and associated profiles. this would
actually leave room for some bonus footy, of which there is plenty,
which was not going to be possible if i crammed it all to one.
plans need to be liquid, i have been too stubborn in my vision of a
dingle feature film, need to sway with the breeze so i don't get
uprooted in the squal. would love to hear from anybody out there
anxious to see the flick. the more support i feel the braver i
will be in pushing it forward. things are startig to fall
into place, continue in faith and all will be sweet and sexy soon.
so in the next day or two i am going to make my older brother watch the
final rough draft of the first half with me and we'll see what we see.
Allow me to spew negativity
for a moment, before i focus on overcoming and solving my
problem. I have been working for two months, full time, on
"Mobbers" and tonight roughed out the films' concluding segment.
Should be a cause for celebration right? Not qute. As soon as the
initial race section was completed I could sense that there was going
to be a serious conflict between my sentimentality and the function and
form of the film. So I decided to move quickly through each
section, editing it as my heart desired, and committing to coming back
through on a second pass once I knew what the pace of the piece would
dictate. I have done so and I love each portion of the piece very
much. This evening I have just concluded adding up the length of
this labor intensive rough out, brace yourselves, the work now sits at
4 hours and 40 minutes! Oh Shit, oh no, holy jeez, what am I
supposed to do about that. With so much emotionally draining work
ahead it now feels as if the last two months have simply been spent
fucking around. Like I just got my jollies and now I am supposed
to really work. Have to believe that somehow I can cut out nearly
three hours of material and still maintain the same feel and look that
I have been cultivating. A lot of reasons and excuses I can sight
for this, but mostly I suck, bury me now, perhaps they should bury me
and let some real director finish my work and dedicate it to me on you
tube or something. Wish I could snap my fingers and present the
whole five hours on two disc commemrorative set, action packed two hour
commercial release, and the concise one hour festival screening edits
but this represents months of time and thousands of dolloars in
additional equipment necessary to do so. wow, i am pale, want to
curl up and quit. can't do that cause I am so close to breaking
down that if I did so now I would never come back and I wold never try
again. That can't be. This is my fire, i am being forged in the
furnace. My self education in entrepreneur film production.
yeah, learning a little bit. so i need to cut an average of like
five minutes per section over 22 sections. that will be as hard
as i make it. need a couple days to realize their is no other way
and then get brutal. where as I have been editing hungry and
caffenated, to maintain my creative edge, I now think I will finish
this piece drunk so as to distance myself from myself and let the blood
flow. it will be done, much of my anxiety though stems from my
commitments to completion. feel as though i have painted myself
into the corner and am about to start eating my arm to survive.
the clock is ticking, i am a time bomb in need of defusement, there is
only one place that can happen, and i am thousands of miles away.
so please pray for me in the coming weeks, may the lord bless my
efforts, and may i emerge a stronger individual because them.
hay here's the rub, we'll
one of them. for starters i have no idea where the last week has
gone... it certainley hasn't gone into mobbers the way it should.
asdekl rhae. Every minute now I am arguing with myself with
regards to every call to include or exclude. I know what I want
to see, and more importantly what I want to preserve, and I know what
professionals and the general public would deem worthy and
interesting. The two seldom meet. I am overcome by the
demands of a society that says if you invest in something it must turn
a profit, therefore this must be a commercially viable film. I
would be crazy to invest so much time, energy, and money in a personal
memento to present to loved ones right?! I mean jeez what the
hell kind of wealthy philanthropost do i think i am? then there
is the nagging idealism which says that if you follow your heart and
put your whole spirit into something it can't be bad. then i
picture the reactions of most everyone i know, who is not in the film,
and see them yawning and paying false lip service as they half
heartedly pat me on the back and say nice work. ew that erks
me. i want so bad to impress everyone to wow the lay-people and
to stun the confidants that i am having trouble resolving
anything for myself. but i guess amidst all the intenal
arguements, as i keep pushing forward, something will emerge that would
piss both of em off, and that may be middle enough to keep.
p.s. i guess my frustration at the moment is with every
f&*kin jerk who doesn't have the patience or experience to
appreciate a huge amateur effort like mobbers. so be warned if i
smell half a heart i may snap, hunt you down, disconect your power,
destroy all your appliances in the dark, tie you to a chair, and beat
you with a hose before leaving you for... well don't push me.
Mobbers Update:
Well the month is flying along, and thankfully so has the edit the last
few days. Only due to the fact that I am logging a steady
ten hours per 24, and delivering pizza, on the project. Just Two
chapters to go in the rough out stage and it will be on to final draft
time, YES! Call the next stage real work because I will be
spending lots of tiem on little pieces smoothing things out and adding
effects, but this first stage has definitely been the most
intense. Aside from the massive amount of footage I have been
viewing over and over I did not anticipate how emotionally tied I am to
this project. This personal investment in the film has me
sweating every clip and every decision, not to mention flashing back,
cracking up, and tearing up over and over again. Going to keep
pushing like mad to get it wrapped and printed. Just lost one
dude at work so I am working six days a week through the end of the
month. Pray my patience and eyeballs hold out that long.
Definitely a little testy tonight after working till five last night
and then another eight hours today, but the moments are beautiful and
the hope of sharing them fuels my flame tirelessly, just as a natural
spring wells up to quench ones thirst so the anticipation of sharing my
efforts with friends and family leads me through this desert of
mmmm, trying not to feel
like i am bedding down in a grave of my own digging. the film is
obviously closer then ever. but as the magnifier increases so
does the task ahead. lots of work, lots of cuts, makes me crazy
to think about it. trying to take it one day and one task at a
time, but oh i can't settle, oh how i can't settle. feeling like
all the hype i have produced is pushing me on and i don't want to miss
my window. was it premature, pretty damn close will see.
not enough time now to keep all the p.r. going and work, trying to ramp
it up. sometime november if it means my life. my job will
be over in three and a half weeks, hopefully that will afford me time
to wrap it quick if i haven't already. no days off, that's the
mantra. no sleep before three (its after four right now) less
food, more work. that's all.
ho, gots a
problem. its october and i want to make a custom dvd edition for
every person i know with personal bonus footage. it can't be
done, crap. so tryin tryin to stay on point. somedays just
gotta edit like you don't give a rats patooty and wait for the
inspiration to return.
oh my god, oh my god, oh my
god.... still don't know what freakin day it is. four in
teh morning and no sign of sleep. getting worse every
night. can't move before noon either. but the progress made
tonight has made everything worth it. oh my god, i love it.
it is getting better then i had hoped and it isn't even polished.
have begun the happy trails section and oh my my i like it. I
have been laughing and crying all night and for the last coupe days for
that matter getting it going. i can't say more without giving the
shizzle away. it is just neat, that's all. so now putting
the eiditor away, trying to coax myself toward sleep, but i am so
overwhelmed with plans and thoughts of cali everynight that i can never
fall asleep till i hae layed down and meditated in the dark for at
least an hour and half. so, aniticipation, yeah we are real close
these days. I take her for long walks and she cuddles up with me
at night, feeling like it is kinda a destructive relationship, wearing
me out, hope to be over her by winter but having fun now.
jeez can't keep up with
what day it is. just when i think i am calibrating for the early
morning work session and know what day it has rolled into I am still
behind. just a quick update. as of tonight the film is
roughed out through sean t's section, the chinese dh (beautiful for
having got 0 footage), jakes section, and jared's section. puts
it at... really long and getting longer. computer beginning to
bog so moves that should be instantaneous are taking up to ten seconds
my the end of the night. makes it hard. but pressing
on. one month?! we'll see. this process should have
been alotted six months, trying to cram that much work into two.
i am doing my best. just don't expect me to be in good shape when
i get back west.
just went from high
to low. as of tonight the so hum shootout is about wrapped, rough
draft that is, no titles, haven't finalized audio levels yet, and a bit
of sanding still to do. really like it all. then mapped out
what i am looking at time wise right now for the completed film... 3
HOURS! No joke, straight up. As I go at this point I am
editing everything I want to convey it, and how I want participants to
be able to see it. Then when it is finished going to go back and
make cuts for a film festival/general public cut. but three hours
is a lot even for a hometown crowd, and cutting two hours from that is
going to be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard. so i am going to
press on, it will get a little easier, but not a lot. really
there isn't much fat on the timeline, have already trimmed the funny
sections I wanted to include. Just so many events and so much
commentary it is a real challenge.
ok, tonight was a
huge step forward on the film. got the dia de los muertos
section, pirate ride 1, ABOUT 80% DONE, and it is surpassing my
expectations. I really like it, but i feel i am painting myself
into a director's cut corner. the way things are looking the
feature version of mobbers is going to be about an hour and a
half? maybe a little more... now that is a very rough
estimate, got a long way to go yet, and that can be easily brought down
at the end. but i don't want to. the muertos section is
currently sitting at fourteen minutes, and i think a very engagin
fourteen. i think this is definitely going to be the longest race
section, just due to the mass number of riders that were present.
trying to fit everybody in and cover the stories of the day is
difficult, but i think it's happening. so if you would take a
second and cast your vote below to give me an idea of what you all look
for in yuor films i would appreciate it. now i probably won't
take your advice, but that is why they call it a directors cut (for you
humboldt lovers) and extra features for the rest of the world.
That It Is Hypothetically The Biggest And Longest Running Event, How
Long Is An Acceptable Length For A Downhill Race's Movie Section? |
Life is like that "Bop the Gopher" game that has become such a cultural
phenomenon in our lives. There are references to it in commercials,
cartoons, movies, and of course it has been a mainstay for decades in
the arcades of America. Before you wash this off as another manic,
rant let me get to the point. Life is like playing Bop the Gopher. As
we grow up we have to become accustomed to old friends, enemies, and
family popping in and out of our lives. Sometimes popping in and
necessitating a gentle bop, sometimes a tender caress, and sometimes we
want to throttle the gopher and pull it right out of the ground. With
some folks the frequency and nature of their popping is steady and
positive, we known when they are going to stop by for a visit, and can
predict what it will be abuot. Of course there are the hungry gophers
who pop in, famished for your energies, adn proceed to grub the garden
of your spirit to mulch. My gophers are sweet, they come bearing
smiles, and honestly they intend no harm. They pop up unexpectedly,
just as I begin to wash them from my soul, sit and smile up remiding me
pf wonderful days when the garden was full, lush, and our tunnels
shared. Yet I am torn between chasing them back into their hole and
beginning anew, and giving them a swift bop wit the shovel and bringing
the garden hose over to plug their hole. The tricky thing about our
gphers is that they are much more dynamic then those in the arcade.
Truly, we can guess at the gophers intentions, but can never really be
sure how much their taste for destruction has subsided or grown. So I
sit patiently and watch the gophers, talking to them as they come,
hoping that when the time is right I will know to ask them to stay, go,
or to jump headlong into the hole.
The FAITH today i went
downhilling for the first time in, oh let me count now, over two months
(probably almost three, can't be). the faith dh rig sat at home
in new
jersey while i was riding the trance in singletrack heaven wisonsin,
and jumping the STP all around lake owen camp. meanwhile deluding
myself that i might be able to get by without the big rig. then
was today, a spur of the moment trip to diablo free ride park, twohours
north, due to a day off work celebrating the bosses daughter's birthday
(still with me?) anyhow got the righteous shred on, and oh how it
good. rode all day, non stop, last run was smiling ear to ear and
flowing some of my biggest whips and wall rides of the day, then
screaming in pain as i tried to hold on though the severe cramping in
my fingers. was awesome. thouroughly exhausted now,
enamoured with my Giant Faith again, and thouroughly pushing on with
movie work tonight. Yeah I love to moto, the bug dug deep.
Not just in me either, brother Sean came along on the reincarnated
bullit, oh yes. Laid it down Pirate Shred style. Suffered
one fall which bruised the hand pretty good, but he did awesome, and he
is hooked. Its in the eyes, in the blood, you can even smell it
on the breath.
holy crimes
batman! wow, been gone from here for a long time. forgot
how to do it. at some points it is like breathing, guess it is
good to get back to breathing though. been busting butt to get a
new trailer out, build the hype, get everything in order for a fall
release of Mobbers, and pretty much set my world up to explode when it
hits. not feeling super wordsy right now, as i am nearly done
getting the teaser live. by the time you read this it will
be. so stay with us, isn't going anywhere this year,
sorry. below is my first synopsis for the film. check out
the teaser exclusively at myspace, for now, and look forward to a t shirt contest coming up later this week. guess i should say "and much more"
Online Is The Feature, And Final, Trailer For This October's Release,
"Mobbers". The film is the second installment in Fox Horn Studio's
documentary coverage of the small, rural, and driven riding community
of northern California. Join unknown amateur and professional riders
as they build their own scene from the ground up. Witness the
sacrifice, the joy, and the love that makes riding a way of life for so
many who may never turn a dollar off their efforts. The film follows
the Gravity Pirates' winter ride series, free events organized by
locals, attracting riders from all over the west coast. These rides
span the winter months when organized competitions are in hybernation,
leaving hungry local riders with no option but to create their own
events. Despite extreme winter weather, liability threats, private
property concerns, and the inevitable disputes that arise in an
intimate subculture these riders mob on. With features on many of
those involved, along with colorful and intimate looks into a small
town cycling community, "Mobbers" is sure to ignite a passion to ride
in anyone."
blogs now, what can i say, kinda a pain. may just be
transitioning out of the spill my guts phase as i am out in the world
and living a little everyday, no way i can express here what i see and
learn and no reason to focus on the drama and what not. don't
take this as the end, indeed i will continue to try my best at
describing the best and worst times, but this is what you get with
stream of conciousness typing. honesty and points without
background or vice versa. i am taking off for a bit, wrote more
about it on the my space blog. Justin's MySpace, so I am only going to write a little bit here. I am headed off to Lake Owen Camp Tomorrow. Very
Excited, got all my gear packed, going for a severe ride in
pennsylvania manana and then gonna jet to wisconsin. there working for
three weeks so i may not be around much. think they will let me geek
out every now and then, but with multiple skate parks and everything
else i am hoping i don't want to. My near future as action sports counselor awaits. Be well.
you all have made this another record month for this year, visists to
the site spiked way up from a bit of latency next month.
thanks. stay with us great things coming with the fast
approaching realease of GP2 there is going to be plenty of reason to
keep checking P Diddy H. lates
stuff, haha. counter on this editor has been giving me shit for days!
finally got it, sorta, still not how i want. this counter reflects
views just this month!!! going to try to put one for the year but my
host won't tell me how many views. gotta do some hasslin. more
capturing today, tedious work, but good looking footy, maybe half way
through the footage, and hard sik space, even with 400gb is becoming a
"The warrior keeps the vision of his own life and death before his eyes at every moment."
"It is easy to correct one's posture or particular movement in a
technique, but it is almost impossible to correct one's attitude.
Because the very first thing we do is convince ourselves that we are
After a month here in the east I have found relative peace compared to
the manic outreach and disjointedness i felt on arrival. It took me
this long to remember that I came here to be alone with myself, my art,
and my practice. To focus on my personal journey and to escape the
concerns and pressures brought on by those outside myself. Summed up
in the book i am reading as "having the mind of the beginner". My good
friend, and sage, Brian Federichi puts this concept well in his
constant reminders to "give it all up to get it all". Give up the ego,
give up the comfort, give up the recognition, give up the self to get
to the true self. I am beginning to settle back toward this goal which
i had lost in my turmoil getting to the races, and which the loss of
caused me defeat and brought me further from the center. It can happen
in an instant, and it can take a lifetime, but I am now striving to
give it up. To focus on the moment's practice, and to enjoy the flow
that surrounds us everyday.
so a week later i am ready to talk/type about it. this may become
an incoherent rant so bear with or click off. so to right to it,
can't say my heart was really in going to north carolina, wanted to go
and shred the hill and ride some burly shit but without the money to do
it on my own and in my own way, the trip wasn't mine and so my patented
resistance began to kick in. always get so uptight when i am not
in control that my only mechanism is to just shut it all off, not good
when you are preparing to compete in a pro national. so got there
and got signed up. first off was a day late so missed one day of
practice, totally not my style, and that kinda threw me. the
course was BURLY, first practice run tried to get down on some back up
clipless shoes, cause was pretty wet, that just didn't work. like
standing on buttered cleats, feet would not stay on, walked much of the
course, was ridiculous. shit myself like three times too, supa
rocky, supa rough, with one drop right at the top that just looked
impossible from the top. second run and so on, on real shoes, was
fine and got better and better. still scary, but fun and
thrilling. camped with brother and niece, and it was fun, she
helps keep the mind off the tension, but on the other hand she keeps
the mind off everything businiess related. couldn't really get
into the regular groove with the regular folks, was a nice change but
didn't feel like i was reall in it to win it, just kinda there hanging
out. saturday hit and super d was on. really liked the
course, super tight and tech, like homemade trail in humboldt, cut out
with a buck knife and that was it. turned out it was time trial
format too so i was stoked. rode well and clean, but was too
conservative in the roots and rocks, didn't want to dab. wound up
tenth out of 22 pros, with a time that was still first among all
amateurs, so that was consolation, but knew a good time was attainable,
as was a top five, and that just made me hungry and frustrated.
after that was dh practice and it was going ok on a much drier course,
was getting it down where many weren't. by the end my injured fox
fork was leaking BAD, and i decided i would take it in. it was
something i should have done on day one, but my shaky cnofindence and
empty pocket were spitting poison in my ear about how nobody would help
me out. they ended up overhauling it and new seals/bushings no
charge, and was working much better. yet this decision was the
beginning of the end. the couldn't finish it saturday night, so
ended up late sunday morning, during pro practice, my bike was still in
pieces. plus it had thunder stormed the night before making the
course totally new. even a new out that was supposedly
faster. by the time the fork was done and i was on course i only
got one practice run in. felt pretty good given the sloppy
conditions, i like the mud. rushed back up to try to get one
more, but women's qualifying had already begun. asked the start
officials at the top, very cleary, if semi pros were having a
qualifying run (there are at select nationals this year) the head fatso
said yes and told me qualifying times were posted on the start
chute. so i noted my time and cruised down the hill to eat drink,
and rest up. an hour later i am at the top ready to go down hard
and figure it out before out final. was really pumped and excited
to get one more run down, and of course didn't really discuss run plans
with anyone. as few semis as were there i knew any decent run
would qualify so i was just going to be ragged and hard and see what
was what. well i had easily the WORST run of the weekend.
my head was not in the zone and my confidence was nill. every
section i had been cleaning i came in thinking and looking at what i
wasn't supposed to do and did it. was off line right from the
second corner, had four crashes, and had to run my bike twice.
totally not me! can't remember the last time i was riding this
crappy! got down with a horrible time, so bad hank matheson ended
up besting it with two crashes. i was starting to get over that
pisser and plan how i was going to clean up for the final when my brain
began to add up some, to me, confusing clues. first off they were
running a hot seat, figured this wasn't too odd for a semi run, but the
way they were talking about it... then heard the announcer say
that semi pro podium was at noon, only an hour away! my heart
seized and my stomach collapsed. it hit me, thousands of
miles and the final took me by surprise. i desperately sought
reassurance from the guys next to me. I HAD JUST RIDDEN THE FINAL
AND DIDN'T KNOW IT! didn't even get to enjoy it. i was/am
so upset over it. a completely inexcusable and ridiculous
mistake. many said i should have petitioned for a re ride, and i
could have gotten one. but for all the times i have hated on
those who petition such a favor, and for the many times i will i could
not go that route of hypocrisy. i had to assume responsibility
for this mistake, we all know team big bear are a bunch of incompitent
dumb asses, and realize that it was as much my own doing as it was that
fat course officials. plus to go up for a solo re run, already
knowing the times, the standings, and my own short comings is not the
way to do it. as of that moment i was over it. did not want
to see or talk t anyone after that. so currently have fourteen
dollars to my name, have cancelled mt. snow plans, couldn't afford, and
don't know when i will be able to afford the next race. there is
a lot happening out here i am stoked to compete in but paying bills has
to come first so that i can fly away when the time comes. i have
been trying to be something i am not, and riding from a place that
isn't me. all those who have been clicking in to see my results
the day of, thanks, but don't tell me about it. nothing personal
but when things go bad i hate you all. have just piled to many
expectations and outside ones on myself and currently cannot look you
all in the eyes. so give me peace and let me sort out my own
mania. i'll be riding for fun out here until we next meet.
not even six am here right now, which means for all you west coast
pansies it isn't even three! trip on that. up getting ready to head to
north carolina today through sunday for the third stop on the norba series. going to
be wet it looks like, but should be a grand adventure. looking forward
to seeing the familiar crew of competitors. to be honest though have
had trouble getting my head up for it, but that is a whole other
story. be back sunday.
6.7.06 (thanks joel)
Sea Otter

working delivery and getting the production gig elevated to pretend
legit status. just posted some original loops on the new fox horn
link, check it out. all me on the instruments and a friend
clapping in one of em. was fun, now ready to take it a step
further. that's all i want to say now cause i have been sitting
here too long already. things are good, sliding right along.
was the first of my new job! at last days and days of
preoccupation and anxious expectation have been put to rest.
pizza delivery had even invaded my dreams, in which i was delivering to
mob bosses of new jersey to prove my worth as a culinary carrying
clerk. went off super smooth, could hardly be better, work with
two beautiful girls, free grinds, tips, super chill, time to read, a
boss with an accent so think i can barely understand, all in all very
new and exciting! even though tonight was pretty slow as tips
will go, getting a little flow of my own has gone a long way to fend
off the depression that has been sinking in steadily since my flayle at
the open. my dissappointment with myself peaked when i was
approached by john kirkcaldie the afternoon following qualifying.
what was once a boys wildest dream, to be recognized and addressed as a
pro rider, is coming true, though with it comes necessary perception
leaps that take a bit of meditation and experience. john has come
to know me and seems to take at least a little interest in my riding,
as much as a man of his abilities and responsibilities can. on
day one of open practice he rode up from behind me by surprise and
grabbed my front break, a classic friendly taunt, and we engaged in
short conversation, i jumping on the opportunity to introduce him to my
niece and vice versa. anyhow that was awesome, but seeing him
approaching after the semi was not. did everything i could to
avoid his eyes but he found me and asked pointedly how i had
done. to look john in the eye in that moment, with this first
time icon interest, and explain that i had not even been able to
qualify last while he snagged first was crushing nearly to the point of
tears. i needed to hang my head and crawl beneath a rock where i
would give myself bruises, bloddy lips, and maybe knock a few teeth
out. simply disgusted.
too hard sometimes i know, i am sure it
rolled right off him, everyone had bad days, sven martin rode even
worse then i did. now looking at it i can't imagine how i even
thought i could ride a qualifying run without a single clean run the
day of the semi. i knew i had the lines, the skill, and the pace
to do it. yet it is not my way to come out blind or in "the
dark" whatsoever and clean a section. so to struggle all
morning with no rear brake, stopping repeatedly in each run, and
expecting to be able to strap a different brake on and ride a different
course well in the race run was totally assonine. live and learn,
it was a bad decision, given it to do again i would have taken care of
the brake way ahead of time.
anyway to return to from whence i
digressed... was feeling pretty depressed. failing at the
open in front of my bro who was gracious enough to drive me up
everyday, and failing to qualify for the sunday show which jed wanted
to attend had me feeling pretty worthless. not to mention the
fact that i am completely broke and have accepted more handouts this
year to get where i am then ever before. i am thankful that so
many believe or are supportive of my choices, but it is a blessing in
disguise. it truly bugs me to have to accept financial aid from
others, especially with regards to racing. the racing is always
something just for me, something that can't really be shared, something
i don't really talk about or want to talk about, and something that no
one can directly (race day) help me with. industry help is one
thing, cool. family help is another and lends to feeling a
necesity for production and sharing that distracts and detract from my
focus and enjoyment. over analyze this batman. i am a
freak, these are the least of the things on my mind, thge most
palatable. i cannot share the real thoughts and concerns that
trouble me, for they are too dark and strange to take back once
released into the air.
but things are turning back for the
positive. my hand is beginning to feel and look better. the
job is rolling and money is soon to follow. and the gp2 process
has begun, long and tedious though it is it has begun. so just
help me out and keep hitting the site and spreading the hype because
big hit days like today help me feel just that much better.
today, blew qualifying yesterday with three get offs, can't remember
the last time that happened. a lot of contributers to getting so
buggered. had no rear brake all morning in crucial practice as
the course dried, a pesky bubble decided to appear due to the angle at
which our bikes had to be loaded on the lift. beat myself up
learning lines without it and when it came race time i just did what i
had been used to doing even though i had finally switched the
brake. had a lot of uncharacteristic negativity in my head this
weekend, even though i was having a lot of fun, a lot of frustration
with things, and some bad decisions. live and learn, need a
psycho analist cause my head is going wierd places.
5.26.06 (night)
from a fair bit of riding today, and a heck of a lot of driving.
nearly three hours there and three hours back. a humungous
thunder storm hit en route to the hill whilst amateurs were
practicing. turned the course nice and sloppy. got there
just in time to get the third to last entry of the whole event, close
one. then pplayed in the mud for three hours. super cool
track, good top to bottom. liked the mud, lots of drity corners,
then gnarly rock sections that tok everything and then some out of your
upper body, and fun berms and speed at the bottom. 171 pros
signed up and tomorrow only 60 will qualify. think i sit alright,
course had dried out considerably by the end of practice and tomorrow
should be a whole nother game. think i can stya clean top to
bottom but it is going to be a challenge. having rear brake
issues, a hidden bubble creeping out every time i get to the top of the
hill. now it feels fine, so i don't know if i will buy a bleed,
swap brakes, or just go with it and try to forget it. cleaned up
some super grubby gear tonight and a very packed bike. also fixed
a flat that mysteriously appeared at the end of practice. three
tubes later i determined that my cache of tubes is dysfunctional, each
one splitting on the under side, on the seam, in the same spot.
DAMN. go figure, so found the one off brand tube i had around,
and i think it is holding. now 11:30, should get to bed soon, not
really worked up though, tired of it ruling everything, could take it
or leave it at this point, just enjoying riding down the hill and
learning some new things. so broke that i can't really feel good
about it again until i am on my feet somewhat. looking forward to
it though. night.
off for day one of the U.S.
open this morning. was having a bit of a dilema thinking maybe i
should race amateur and go for some schwag rather then hope for maybe a
top twenty in pro. going to be world class dudes atop the podium
in the Open/Pro CLass. no semi. but as it is now 8:30 am
here my decision is made. amateur practice starts in half an
hours, we have yet to leave, brother is in the shower and the hill is
two hours away. so we will get there just in time for pro reg and
practice. guess i will be pinning it with the crazies and seeing
how dip i can dig. oh well pro practice is more fun and
productive anyway.
today was busy, busting, yet
fruitful. found my way many miles to my nearest banking location,
quite trialsome but amounted to getting to know the area here a bit
better. then was on the job hunt, spreading resumes, shaking
hands, and doing my best to impress those easily impressed. at
the end of the day i of course can walk into jobs at the fast food
establishments of macdonalds or kfc this week. though after
stading around in there for long enough to take the 80 question kfc
test and fill out the mcky d's app i know i don't want neither. a
lot of really crappy jobs out dere, damn! holding out for pizza
delivery. its a chill gig here, most of the deliveries are on
base, three and four nights a week, just evenings, lots of tips.
that would leave time to ride and be flexible enough to fit in the
racen. so will be fielding calls tomorrow and going back on
second visits. this evening went and roe Mcky G's for the first
time in two years (the jump site here on base of my obsessions last
visit). Not as beat down as I anticipated, not to trashy, most of
the breakdown has just been from rain on the sandy soil mellowing
everything into tame wedges. it has digressed a lot but is still
way better off then when I found it originally. I am very pumped
to build it back up, very cool little niche of forest it holds, tucked
right against a hill with numerous berms, in runs, and many many line
possibilities. MckyG's makes all the I.D. checks and the
inhibitions of living in a tight community of service folk all worth
it. A jump site of my very own, since it seems there is no one
else here who rides it. Amidst the job hunt fitting in prep for
the U.S. Open this weekend. Pretty excited, it is going to be
tough to make all the Norbas next month cause money is almost extinct,
going to have to work and try to squeeze it all in. Things are
moving right along though so continue to have faith and all will be
good. Speaking of which the Graves XC Video Log is complete so
keep your eyes open for the first installment here soon. It has a
bit of length to it so there will be four issues. Take it or
leave it, much love anyway. Peace.
sliding back
into jersey seamlessly. got a lot planned for this summer,
including a job interview this weekend. waste no time! in
many ways it seems like i was not gone, and in others it seems like i
was gone forever. will take a while to translate into living with
family; brother, niece, dog, hamster, and fishes. one big happy
house means more sharing, more compromise, and much less bike centric
then i have been. but it is wonderful to be with them. it
is so good though that it makes everything else seem small. my
sweet niece has the ability to rob all of my competitive fire and anxt
to travel so i am going to have to develop my own scene here and get
out from time to time to keep my edge. feel myself becoming
something warm and fuzzy already. at least i have piratedh to
keep the fire and brimstone flowing if all else fails.
sitting in new jersey right now! ... yep still here, no pinch can
change that. a few times on the road i was thinking i had died
and was just a spirit floating the limbo of imagination and intention,
but it seems that i am still at least a small part of the physical
reality and have made it safely to the destination of persistent
meditation. the trip, in a nutshell, sucked! i remain
appreciative of my opportunity to travel and am very grateful i got the
chance to carry all my belongings out personally rather then entrust
them to some shipping crew, but it was not fun and not something i
would wish upon anyone. the only good part was the accomlishment
of doing it nearly as hard and fast as possible. in hindsight i
think of all the places i could have shaved time and the chances i
could have taken to make it more extraordinary, but one would have to
be truly insane to take that next step. left the west monday
morning after crashing at my pops house in ukiah, made it to jersey
wednesday early evening. two and a half days, sixty hours, 3200
miles exactly. 1300 miles on day one, 1500 on day two, and the
rest on the final day. as i was saying, it was a challenge that i
had to undertake, self discipline you could say, or perhaps
masichism. not something i would wish on anyone, and not
something i could see too many enjoying. without anyone with me
it was just pure focus on heading east and keeping my head away from
"maybes". There aren't many people i would travel such a long
distance with, actually quite a few, but there are maybe three people i
know who would be able to hang through the kind of insanity this
journey was. i didn't take any serious chances and obeyed all
laws, but the taxing nature of so many hours behind the wheel pushes
one to the limit. i slept a total of 4.5 hours and this begins to
pull one away from reality. congnisance lapses became frequent,
drifting away from present awareness, not knowing why or where i was
going, like coming round from a brutal concussion. happened after
the first nap and some crazy dreams, and happened the second night as i
bombed through some place. was as if i woke up from a place out
side of my body and had to figure things out anew, just knew t was a
trip of great importance and that it had to do with bikes, the rest was
gone. Then i would slowly build the facts back together and get
back into myself. the frequent thought in these moments of
psychosis was "where are my friends?" thinking there had to be
people traveling with me, telling myself it didn't make sense that i
was enduring such suffering on my own. literally told myself this
when i came round from the first nap, was looking for hank and
rob thinking they had left me and that i needed to find them so i could
take a brake from driving. then i would slowly except the fact
that i was alone, curse the lonely misssion and press on with even more
resolve to get there rapidly then before. as the lack of sleep
compiled my drowsiness diminished but my cognisance dwindled.
would like to say that there were no hallucinations, but would not have
been the psycho crazy mission i was anticipating without em. a
lot of flashes, lot of darting shadows, a few semis with antennae, just
crazy what the mind comes up with. really true what they say
about clinical insanity after 24 hours without sleep. the moose
wasn't a hallucination thought! the first night heading through
nebraska what i first thought was a horse cruised onto the
interstate. was asking myself where the rider was and what the
hell was going on, then realized it was no horse, was no deer cause it
was huge, like 14 hands high! pretty frightening in my mind state
and the middle of the night, was just so big i would have been done if
i hit it. stopped for gas a coulple of miles after that and the
attendant confirmed that there was a lake nearby and a lot of
wildlife. i had thought it was an elf, but when he said they had
moose in the area i knew what i had seen. more and more i was
less aware of the world outside of me, it became as though i was
traveling through a silent tunnel, only the light at the end to guide
me, no idea what was outside of it or around me, and endless obstacles
in my way drawing the length of the tunnel on and on. i hate semi
trucks and now believe we should undertake a second hollocaust to
exterminate all truck drivers for the good of humanity. road
construction too can bite my smelly ass, let them deteriorate and then
the people will have to come up with some other ideas about getting
around, just don't give me one narrow lane crammed with madness while i
am barely hanging on to the threads of physical control... so
yeah i was pretty bitter and ragey by the end, which made my vast of
course approach to my brother's house that much more infuriating.
made a series of educated decisions to get there more smoothly but my
reasoning was non existent. so i got a tour of many a township
and in the end got there much worse for wear. i have to credit my
video journal of the trip for keeping me going, the notion that some
outside of my own discomfort might appreciate the pain that i was
enduring. also thank my many punk rock albums for their help in
making it here, though many would not appreciate such music losing my
voice again and again screaming out the energetic lyrics at night kept
me going. my harmonicas for the brief metal moments of relaxation
and escape they provided. and of course starbucks and red bull
for producing such utility driven and unhealthy products. that is
all i have to say now. i am here, just unpacked the car, and am
getting read to settle in for a while. brother has done an
incredible job in preparing a space for me, i am so lucky. a job
is already basically lined up as soon as i want it. met my jersey
twin yesterday, the first person i talked to out of the car (have to
mention that later, cosmically wierd, makes on a believer in
things). fresh start where no one knows my face or anything about
me, so i can be anything i want. amen to that and stay tuned for
pics and possible a copy on the graves log video of the trip.
coming around after the pump track party last night and a four oclock
wake up yesterday to get prepped and make it down to the tour for video
documentation. the day went well, didn't get as faded as i had
hoped last night, but after thursday's stumbled march through the
streets of arcata that was for the best. plus had enough
coordination and cohesion to jam a little on the drums with brian's dad
before me and the skins part ways for a while. that was
great. so this is pretty much the last note for a little
while. please be patient i have tons of media and cool stuff
ready for the page but have had no down time while preparing for this
trip. today is the last of the last and i really want to leave
before the sun rises on me in humboldt on more time. will be on
the road for the better part of a week headed to jersey. so check
back soon to hear how things are going. and finally i can't
express how blessed i am to have all the good friends, colleagues, and
support that i have here in northern california. i have the
upmost respect and love for you all and it is nothing against anyone
that takes me away, only the desire to see the unseen and know the
unknown. really this departure is only a blink in the stream and
we will be seeing each other much sooner then late. as always is at the disposal of the people so hit me with anything
you like. be in touch and keep the mob rolling.
be telling you all about fontana, should have brought back media and
words. should have been quicker on the world cup update.
should be making updates period. but with only four days left
till i depart for the east coast i have been infected with some serious
mania, hard thinking straight and around all the things i want to do in
the next 96 hours. so hope you all come to our party, happy's
birthday and my going away on saturday afternoon-evening may
13th. going to be a rager. at least i plan to be.
then gone. poof... and promise more attentive reporting
once i have settled a bit a few thousand miles away.
from a fantastic weekend. Finally got away after two failed
attempts to get out out the last two weeks. After a week of
construction labor with Roxy CO. builders (ironically in the middle of
remodeling one Justin Brown's House) I was ready to get back to my own
gig. Needed to make the money and the week flew by but i
completely dissappeared for those five days. So Friday headed
over the hill to Redding to participate in the Shasta Lemurian
Classic. Maybe I shouldn't be telling anyone, but it was an xc
race. The weekend was absolutely fantastic; hot weather,
beautiful terrain, rocky trails, and good company were all just was I
was looking for. Friday night mobbed the bikes around redding and
hoteled it, then saturday morning up early and headed for the
race. Such a different energy for me heading into a xc
event. Don't train for em, rarely travel for em anymore, and have
absolutely no pressure to kill it. I can't say there were no
expectations though. I know my fitness is starting to come around
and I know my bike skills shine bright in the often dull xc ranks, so I
was planning on pushing till I blew and trying to lay some hurt on the
lokes. Went hard from the gun and stayed with the expert pro lead
group for a fairwhile. Legs were feeling very good up the first
climb and maintained great position. Into the DH section I was
lucky to fall behind a fella who knew the trail and was rocking
it. Still was right on his butt, yet we were still able to make
mad time. Eventually got by him and he gave a couple of pointers
on the next gnarly section and it was all good. Came out of that
section as the second Humboldt rider in the field which I was pretty
stoked on. From there I though I was leading the 20 mile race
until I got to the next check point and was told that 1st place was 35
seconds up! Just about shit myself and turned on the gas big time
through the next single track section. By the time we came back
out I had closed the gap and blew past him leaving him about a minute
back. At this point I was beginning to feel my limited base
caving as climbs would not quit and i struggled not to curse the course
designers too much. Next thing I know he is five seconds back on
closing, then in front of me. I sit on his wheel and realized I
was on the only section of trail I knew and that a single track descent
was approaching. So I burned by him and held to the descent at
which point he again dissappeared a minute back. Thought I had
him this time, thought the course would take me no more then an hour
forty, thought I had to be on the final descent, no way. We came
out and the climbing REALLY started. I was becoming demoralized,
knowing I couldn't hold him off much longer if his climbing cadence
kept up (dude weighed 130!). i struggled to keep rythm but soon
he was creeping up, I pushed and stayed ahead to what I thought
should be another dh section, but was horrified to see it get
steeper. Bobbled, lost traction, had to dismount and walk as he
crept by and away. Suffered up to the top coming to terms with
his superior stamina and knowing the best man would win, managed to
maintain alright but i was about popped as corn can get. Finally
the steep ascents gave way to the final roller coaster to the finish
where my tired legs had enough lapses to recover and I picked up the
pace enough to bring him back into sight once more. Was closing
fast until he pulled the look back and turned it up, then he was
gone. Heard he came across the line hot as the sun afraid I was
right there. Finished one minute back and was pretty stoked with
the effort the duel had extracted. We immediately congratulated
eachother, commented on how remarkable our individual rides had been,
talked to some adoring onlookers, posed for some pictures, it was
sweet. Real racing, the kind of battles that exhausted me
mentally to the point of quitting xc years ago, this time it was a high
rather then a deterrent. In the end it turned out we were nearly
ten minutes ahead of the next 20 mile finisher. and both of us
bested the previous course record by over four minutes. Once we
got to talking we soon realized our ages were seperated by thirteen
years and therefore we were in seperate classes. He had raced to
second the previous year, had ridden the course a month before, and had
helped mark/ridden the course a week before. So he was derserving
of the win, and I was stoked to be as close as I was considering the
knowledge advantage. Knew it was a good performance by how many
people familiar with the trail congratulated me on the ride, apparently
it was a really ripping run, and barring a few minor bobbles it was as
good as a non endurance athlete like myself can hope for, no flats, no
mechanicals, hung it way out in all the fast sections, pulled some
ridiculous drifing saves, and didn't wad.
I was lucky to have the
opportunity to be furnished with a Giant Anthem 1 for the race.
It was the first time I had ridden a full suspension xc bike hard and
was so impressed. Climbed like you would never think of using a
rear lock out if you had one and descended unlike any xc bike I have
ever ridden. Like i said I pulled some sick drifts off where I
thought I was done, and pinned countless gnarly rocky chutes blind and
the bike took it all like butter. Confidence from out of nowhere
feeling the desire to pitch a strange 25 pound bike sideways at almost
thirty miles an hour, wearing lycra. That's good stuff.
Andy Davis, the Giant rep and head of the Giant Cal-Nevada Demo tour
was pleased with the finish as well, in that it brought a lot of folks
by the booth to check out the bike and talk with me about the ride, not
to mention carrying the sled up to accept my medal and shamelessly
telling the crowd "you all have to visit the giant demo tent and try
one of these out, it will change everything!". Yes Giant was well
Rest of the weekend was just as sweet as I could have
imagined, hung out helped a bit with the demo gig and visited with
folks. It was a little wierd and tiring, but cool, that over half
the people I met there already knew me and details about my
riding. Approached by people I didn't know or recognize calling
me by name and asking me about details from the past and present I
often fail to realize are in the public conciousness. So again
felt that this was great representation for giant and did all I could
to help out as I am so grateful for the support and quality products
they are producing.
One of the most resounding themes of the weekend
was dumping assumptions and classifications as I got to know people I
had only, really, met is passing. Was a beautiful and poignent
reminder that you never really know someone until you KNOW them.
Not to say that I do now, but at least I am aware of how little I do
know about those aquantences I make here and there. The people I
hung with from the race, from The Chain Gang Bike Shop, and from Giant
were so cool, so welcoming, so helpful, and so full of experience and
knowledge that I was humbled to earnest listening on many
occasions. Was great. Sunday more demos and a DH ride down
one of the coolest trails ever. Prope to Todd Hoeft for
contructing a masterpiece. I was bummed in hindsight his name and
an offer to call him up appeared so late in the weekend as I would have
loved to ride with him. So I will be heading back to Redding soon
to hunt down the legend and get a few lessons in rock riding.
course was a bit anxious to show off on blind terrain, finally crept
around my guide and was ready to dissappear into a cloud of
dust... well i guess i did but it wasn't away but down as I just
lost the front end trying to punch a corner for no good reason and
pushed the front tire right through. Was caught thinking about
the guiy behind me and what he was seeing rather then focusing on where
i was going. Was ok aside from hamburger on both forearms.
Had left my new elbow guars at home because azonic brought me a size
too big, want to exchange them and didn't want to take the chance i
might actually fall and use them. but i was ok and got another
run in to make up for it, was very good. on board a Glory too,
surprisinglyt similar to my faith, felt right at home, could get used
to it. Now my arms are healing and I have typed for far too long
this lovely morning. Today the goal is to go out and ride my new
trance for a long time to get the feel before i head for fontana
can you say freak out... oh the pain
of dreams butting against reality, the reality of having no income and
having huge expenses ahead. been putting off penning out the
expenses fearing what i would find, trying to just continue on my jolly
retired road. but i can't ignore the impending disaster if i
pursued all the fantasies i have laid out for myself. just not
possible. feeling physically sick over it all and not sure what i
am going to do with myself. gotta be on house arrest essentially
to make it to the east coast and perhaps NCS number one. these
races are freaking expensive! but the real crippler is the sudden
insertion of fossil fuel expense into the equation, it sucks,
literally. right out of my pocket into the tank, see all this
freedom and possibility now being mobile but i just don't have the
fundage to make it happen. so fuck me and my ambitions, going to
have to tone it down and just be content somehow.
living in the past, whoa! note that the previous entries were NOT
typed in february. that is just me spazing and taking over half the
month to realize when the hell i am. the time in ukiah was
sweet. being away from it all and just focusing on riding and
recovering was a very good time. got to ride some breathtaking
routes to boot. was feeling pretty strong too, so it was all
good. today running mad errands, got the jake todd interview
wrapped up, and concluded by flowing the skate park for awhile.
was having a great mellow session, really riding well, and learning
some new lines i had never thought of before. of course hung out
a little bit longer then i planned, was brain dead and zoning
out. was just sitting on one of the tables, got distracted and
went to dismount, crossed the bars up and fell like three feet to
flat. felt like a tool crashing at 0.0 mph. landed right on
my bad hand, jacked it right back up. was doing so much better
too... so tonight ice and advil, hoping with some tape i will be
able to shred in chico this weekend. just gotta be smart and take
er easy. no need to push it. right? right.
is here, the sun is back and i am stoked. heading out to mendo
for a few days. going to get away from the techno and reko
distractions, spend some solo time with my paps and shred my road bike
hard. looking to get in no less than one hundrd miles over two
days down there. should be a good time for it (weeks to fontana)
and will give me the base and confidence in my legs that i need.
then will be coming back, continuing the GP2 interview hunt (already
have four big names scratched off the list) before jumping in with the
Giant Demo tour in Chico and Paradise next weekend. Do some
shredding there and get my rock fix on. Then come back, prep for
the Shasta lemurian, more interviews, some road footage for the tour
vid, and of course ride my brains out. Ok enough forecasting
gotta load up and hit the road.lates.
how altering
light can be. context and assumptions lead us to believe we know
people that we, in fact, cannot begin to grasp. i experienced
this tonight, being introduced into an acquantances extended life and
art. i was blessed with the presentation of this woman's writing
for my eyes to study and found a small fire rekindled in my brain's
creative corner. realizing how much there is to be said and how
valuable it is to day it while the channel is open.
my days at this
point are simply extraordinary, i cannot say more or less. while
i do not wish to gloat or obsess on my perception of sucess, i do feel
that my thoughts and movements today and every day in the coming months
should be documented with the appreciation and wonder with which i am
receiving them. so the works i read tonight are but another of
the life laxatives i have been pumping down to get things moving and
lighten the load. i feel that my logs, digital and physical, have
not been what they should be of late. just as the croaking canari
in a mine is a sign of unhealthy conditions, the drop off in my desire
to write has been concerning me. but cycles are what life is and
as i come around into a new season i see much inspiration and
opportunities to engage my open mind ahead. so i will do my
upmost to keep this as a hub of cycling stories and personal adventure,
firstly for my own expolsion, and secondly to pass along the stoke to
those who need their fire stirred.
today came a grand commencement
in the journey now exactly a month away. the procrastination i
had applied to my plane ticket search was rewarded with a perfect
opportunity, as only providence could supply. my good friends jed
and kelley left today to return to the midwest for the summer.
unable to sell their second vehicle they sought a dependable east bound
citizen to deliver this hefty package to them in the not too distant
future. enter me. and so i will not be needing to ship a
single bike, or be concerned with bubble packing my editing deck.
instead i will get to see some new country, sing aloud to myself until
my voice turns to a dry rasp, and see my friends much sooner then
expected. patience and faith moves great obstacles with ease.
from the sea otter, first real semi pro event went well. Big
fields and big guys were shredding hard. After really struggling
to warm up to the swampy slalom course i was stoked to qualify in 24th,
having had a terrible first run in qualifying. my greenness in
the gated racing gave me trouble sighting the gates up top and blew my
line the the first round of the finals, gave up the maximum 1.5 second
advantage. in round two finally put a good run together and was
right with the eventual second place finisher until i mistimed a pinner
rythm section and got bucked off line. still just having three
quarters a ripping run was enough to give me lots of confidence and wet
my appetite for more gated races to come. the dh went better, had
a good run aside from a couple costly divergences in th lower half and
simply ran out of confidence in my fitness as the finish was a flat
pedal through a swamp. still had a run i couldn't complain about,
beat all the guys i wanted to who had bested me at carnegie and proved
that i am going to be highly competitive in semi pro this year.
came in 18th out of 80 semi pros and know that a podium was easily
within my grasp. just good to know i am in the right class and
have the confidence now to devote even more time to training and
believe that it is worth pinning it flat out at the next race. no
need to be conservative now. think it will be a good season.
pretty much counting
the days and hours. today is second to last in shop. very
happy about that, has gotten old like an old sore. will be a much
better person once i shake myself loose. april is going to be a
kill month without having to clock in anywhere but onto the bike.
so look me up sunday night i will be celebrating a long year of being
gainfully employed.
suppose i
should have a comprehensive report of the trip to carnegie this last
weekend, was preparing it but now i just don't see that as proper time
allotment just days before sea otter. for the first time in a
long time i finished almost dead last. had a quick run but a
sloppy run on a trail that was way too short to do that. was
unhappy with the run but happy to get spanked, really sparked someting
in me that hasn't been sparked for a long time. since we got back
everyday has bee filled with a lot of riding and pushing myself to the
edge of the comfort zone. seeing what the pace is showed me how
far off it we are. so in short, humbled in the bog pond but the
room to stretch and sprint about outside the confines of the fish bowl
is going to be a very healthy and liberating thing. think i will
learn a lot this season.
I Love John Kirkcaldie, and I Love These Pics. Check It All Out At

occupied these days. even if it isn't actually doing something,
just meditating and planning for the season is all encompassing.
haven't had much time to write here or in my physical journal.
this will pick up once i am doing the things i am thinking about
now. one step at a time. this weekend going out for the
race formerly known as the groovy gravity games. stoked to be
attending a real race outside of myself with some fresh
shredders. so i will bring back at much as i can. till then
Excited, Someone Outside Myself Took The Initiative To Interview
Me. Things Seem Complete Now. Think It Needed To Happen In
Some Form, But I Just Couldn't Create It Myself. So This Is Your
Graves Log Reading For Today. Check It.

the karmac balance
astounds me. this morning i rode to work, took it easy cause i
wasn't feeling well, but it was hard because i wasn't feeling
well. so as i got breakfast at wildberries i was pretty
spacey. after opening the shop and taking all the bikes out i
realized my yogurt spoon, and less immediate but more importantly, my
wallet was m.i.a. rushed some browsers out of the shop and raced
back to wildberries where i scoured the floor, checked the lost and
found and preused the parking lot. no go. so after checking
through the shop one last time i accepted it and called the bank to put
a stop on my atm card. as i was holding for an operator i got a
call on line two, turned out to be meredith at six rivers saying she
had uncovered our box or dvds and goods by their dumpster! aside
from being a little water logged and the bottom of the box being filled
with cigarette butts it was all no worse for wear. so i have
gotten over the wallet, know i can get by. and just stoked that
the dvd whole has been filled, not to mention all the pirate stickers
and rough draft of the magazine. booyakashah. peace.
been feeling
real bad since saturday,the worst was unfortunately on sunday, the day
of the swd dh. i was stoked though to go out and take part in the
show. getting to watch the shredders from the silent sidelines
was sweet. and a quiet walk in the snow blanketed woods was just
what i needed. today is the first day since saturday my head is
really back on straight. got a great shred in yesterday at the
track, and between tuesday and wednesday learned some new lines and
maneuvers i had long put beyond myself. so that feels good and my
patience is returning, realizing some realistic balance to my desires
is going to be necessary to keep my health, and with that focus the
move is becoming a very feasible reality. got lots i want to
bring to the page in the next month, but of course limited time.
so stay with me and i promise it is only going to get better.